I'm like Gri22ly except I'll put into plain English. I have deer w/i bow range about 45% of my hunts.
depends on what stand i go to.. i have a few where its almost givin to have deer in bow range.. but the chance of seein a "good buck" isnt very high... so far this year ive been "exploring" new places ive never bow hunted.. so far none in bow range
I'd say I have them in shooting range on about 40-50% of my hunts. My season has been open 2 weeks, been out 3 sits total, had deer in range 2 of 3 sits so far.
I've sat 6 times and have gotten 3 shots, which would be %50. But those 6 sits have been for 53 hours, with only 17 deer spotted.
So far this year I've had 7 deer in bow range. 3 of those being in the last two hunts, this evening and Thursday evening. I'm uploading a video now of a long encounter with a couple fawns, that circled my stand browsing inside of 15 yards for about 12 minutes total. It was a fun hunt. I haven't counted sits this year, but I am finding that having a lot of options in stand sites is awesome. Last October up to this point, I had seen WAY more deer, but less of them were in range. So far this October, I have seen less deer, but a higher percentage of them are within bow range, which is 25-30 yards and less, for me..
Within Bowrange (40 yards) this year is about 50%. Only two sits without a sighting at all. I will be sitting over a fresh scrape line (made within 48 hours fresh) in 5 hours, and am hoping I can call my season quits shortly there after. Good luck fellas!
Last year 18 sits - 50% of deer inside bow range. This year 3 sits - 66% of the time I've had deer inside bow range. Good post.
Some years it feels like almost every one, other years I am praying for it to happen. This years log shows 8 of 14 sits I had shot opportunities at deer.
So far this year.........8 sits - 6 times I have had deer within range 75% so far. I think that won't stay that way the more times I hunt though :D