so i get a call tonight from my neighbor down the road saying they shot the big 8 point that we have been seeing going between our properties. what does this mean for me hunting? this is really the only buck we have gotten on camera in the woods i hunt. will another buck move into the territory? its a little discouraging. i'm not sure whether to wait a few days before going out again or to just head out tomorrow and hope that something else will come on the land. any thoughts would be good. thanks
What he said. Just because you're not seeing any nice bucks on camera, that doesn't mean that's there's not nice ones strolling through a few yards out of sight of your camera. Plus the rut is just plain awesome! Get back out there and get after it!
Absolutely! Bucks will travel for miles during the rut! Hunt where the does are my friend and you WILL see bucks. no worries.
You're a hunter this shouldn't be a question. Even if the big buck is in someone else's hands you should be pumped to be on the woods. I get shakey and fired up when just a fawn shows up. Put your time in the woods and you will find big bucks. Trail cams can only take a pic of something like 20 yards or closer. Your eye can see way more then that, so nothing is better then time in the woods. Get out there and out do your neighbor before I drive to WI and do it for you!
You need to get back out there!!!! He (The Big 8) was there for a reason-- OTHERS WILL BE TOO!!!! Dont drop your pack just because the one deer you wanted to get was shot- That deer has a dad some place some where!!!! get in a tree and get ready to slay em!!!!! Good Luck!!!!
thanks for all the motivation. i was back other there yesterday and this morning. I didn't see anything but there were fresh scrapes near my stand and on my route in. i've got the whole week off so i'll be out there everyday trying to harvest a big buck.