Estrus does everyone use if any? It's getting that to be that time of year! Last year I used golden Estrus but didn't really have any luck with it so I stopped and didn't even mess with any of them. Let's hear what you have had luck with and also what you haven't Thanks
I like code blue. Now, I don't know if it's any better than other bottled urine but I have had bucks walk up and sniff my wicks. I have also used tink's but I didn''t have any luck with it. I think there pretty much all the same. It's just a matter of being in the right place at the right time.
my dad swears by it so last year i bought just about everything, i got the golden estrous, tink's 69, even the cheap ones that just say doe in heat or whatever. Tried all of these with no luck. Then one day i was in the store and saw a buck bomb. having always watched the outdoor channel since the age of about 2 i remembered tom miranda using this and it working for him so i thought what the hell ill try it. The next morning i reluctantly put it down figuring nothing would happen. a group of deer walked below me at about 50 yards but i was in some thick stuff and could only see there legs .. all of a sudden i heard a deer running right at me and a 4 point ran right to my can on the ground and smelled it. Later that night i put some down near a ground scrape and i saw a good buck in the field probably 300 plus yards away. A few estrous bleats later and he was broadside at 11 yards smelling my can when i let the arrow fly. Thats two bucks in one day and one being a 130" whitetail. I refuse to buy any other estrous.
I will second the buck bomb. Just really started using it, but have had quite a bit of action with it.
I must suck with deer scents because I have really never had any consistent luck using them at all. I havent used doe estrus in about 5 years.
I am leaning to the point of not using them at this point I think they will do more harm then good. But if I shoot a buck you better believe I am keeping his package
Hunter Specialties Premium Doe Estrus Watch their tongs...they look like lizards coming at you! SilentSling
S&P Scents is what I use...will admit not the easiest to use though because it is a frozen estrous that is collected and frozen imediately to basically stop the build up of ammonia. Yes, all urine slowly turns into ammonia-true...however in it's freshest form I'm a firm believer a deer can tell what smells the most natural and what doesn't. Intrigue, curiosity and dominancy of bucks/whitetail deer are going to cause them to interact with any brand or type of pee (human included) to an extent. But to me why mess with what God designed. I'm going to attempt to use the most natural/freshest stuff available. Now S&P is expensive but I truly live by the stuff for my go to urine scents when I do use some. If you end up using it don't nuke it in microwave to warm it...just melt it with some warm water in the sink and go for it! I've stopped bucks running does with this stuff in mock scrapes and drags. Just my .02, but like I said; all scents are going to experience success...this is just the type I have experienced the most.