Don't have a dog now, but as soon as we move into a bigger house with yard ill be getting a border collie. Male will be named Archer, female will be Lola or Chloe. I'm excited just thinking about it. I love dogs.
My 3 yr old mutt. For what the vet and owners said she's chow chow, German Shepard, Australian Shepard, and pitbull. Sent from my DROID RAZR HD using Tapatalk 2
I have a German Short Haired pointer named Maverick. Most energetic loving dog I've ever owned. He's 7months now, haven't been able to get him out under the gun yet but you can already see his hunting skills developing. Great breed. We also have a 1 month old Great Dane named Joker. Giant momma's boy Shoot straight Box
I have a Brittany, Copper. Just turned 2 and is a bird hunting machine. I wouldn't change him for anything.
My buddy has a GSP named Maverick I have a GSP named Rex, he's a great dog. Going on 4 years old now.
They're great dogs. Love to watch him run, really graceful. When mav was about 2 months he put a point on a crow that was in our front yard. I was excited but then he started pointing on them more so we had to nip that in the bud real quick. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk - now Free
I have an almost 5 year old female reversed brindle Boxer named Ava and a 2 1/2 year old female German Rottweiler named Boo.
A seven year old black lab named Daisy. She loves duck hunting, pheasant hunting and taking vacations to our cabin.
i have a 1 1/2 year old chocolate lab named rosco and i have a 1 year old german short hair named rowdy!!!
10 month old English Springer "Moose" and a 7 month old chocolate Lab "Tank" Sent from my XT907 using Tapatalk
Yeahhhhh my dogs aren't exactly the shed hunting type, but gotta love a sleepy English Bulldog! LOL Have two of them, wouldn't get rid of them for the world!
I have a 5 year old Chesapeake Bay Retriever. Worthless as tits on a boar hog. But my wife loves him!
This is an older thread but I remember reading through it a while back. I would like to make my addition. Everyone, meet my new best friend Rhett! He is a purebred rescue German Shorthair Pointer from our local Humane Society. Estimated 9 months to a year old. I only encountered two problems with him...he is a gunshy, but I am working with him with a capgun using a couple different methods. He is also afraid of a shed antler. He doesn't understand what it is and wont pick one up or let me put it near his mouth. I will be getting DogBone's three step system from Jeremy Moore and working with him this season. He has the determination to find a lost play toy so I hope he will be able to gather some sheds since I can see them very well.
Good looking dog Trevor. I kinda forgot about this thread too. Mines a 2 year old Australian cattle dog/blue heeler named Brody. He's not really much of a shed hunting dog, he just comes along and lets me find them so he can chew on them. He does love chewing on them though so he could be trained to find them I guess but mostly he's just a tag along buddy. Doesn't like it when leave him home so he checks cams, hangs stands, and shed hunts with me.