hope the landowner and all your friends see this so you wont have a place to hunt and your friends disown you. there is no place for you in the woods with that kind of attitude. sorry you and your friends posted this. you will end up a poster-child for some anti hunting group. matter of fact i am going to e-mail the moderator to have this posting deleted your bad for the sport.
That's what gives hunters a bad name.Grow up that's nothing to brag about. Hunting in west texas last week and let 180 inch deer walk at 20 yards could not get the shot that i wanted.
Deer deserves better than that. To much of a chance of a bad shot. Hunting on a friends place last week. He shoots a nice 135 inch deer 5 minutes later another buck all of 145 comes through nose to the ground, arrow sticking out of its left ham. He videotapes it, feels bad because the deer will eventually die of an infection. Later that night some guy knocks on his door wants to go look for a deer he shot "in the ass" it was 45 yards away and that was the only shot it offered so it was "now or never" I said "what was wrong with never the deer will die it just wont be recovered and will rot." He calls me a few choice names and leaves. Am I the only one who thinks they deserve better than that?
I'll be honest, it's nearly as bad to post that stuff. Just sends the wrong message. I hope somebody deals out a sack punch to the hunter that took that shot.
Not a shot I would take and I wouldn't post it online, either. But no longer speak to someone because of it?? I think some of you guys are wound a little tight.
I hope that wasn't directed towards me? I posted this to see what everyones opinion about it was because I showed a group of buddies it and everyone agreed it was unethical shot as well. I do not hunt with this guy, I hunt on my own family's private land. Should I rephrase and say this isn't one of my good friends, I just know who he is if that makes you feel better.
A simple, stern, "What the hell were you thinking?" would get the message across. Disown a friend? No. Suggest if he is adamant about taking pot-shots at deer, that I am adamant about him finding a new place to hunt. We can still be friends. Just not hunting partners.
This shot to me Is pathetic. Nothing surprises me anymore though In this day and age, people are launching arrows anywhere and everywhere.
I cry BS, I think in his excitement he took a bad angle shot at a deer coming straight at him aiming for the chest cavity, and his miss was high. Of course, while bragging to his buds, his gonna say he hit right where he aimed. At least in my mind that's how I'm gonna view it. I sure don't want to imagine guys in the woods actively taking this type of shot.
That shot is terrible. I DO think it is highly unethical. Imagine if that shot did not kill the doe and it ran off with half of its jaw ripped off? Frig that guy who shot that doe like that.....
On an animal as big as deer, it is dumb as anything to make a shot like that. Very disappointed. People like this give hunter's a bad name.