What kind of speed are getting out of your bow? Do you want more? Do you want less? Are you satisfied? You don't care? Im getting 275 FPS ...Im ok with it. Things have settled down for me and I shoot best at 275-285 fps. I want to see just how important speed is to people. There is no right/wrong here..if you are a speed demon that's fine, if you are a turtle great! If you are in the race but not going to win, even better...
Honestly, I don't know. As long as my pins are on and my broadheads are sharp, I don't really care how fast they are going. EDIT* Plus I don't have a chronograph.... yet.
I shoot @ 285-290...but i'm more into KE..so i guess "i'm in the game, but not really important to me" category..This year i'm going to 125 gr heads and pushing @ 80 Ke...i know...thats a lot also but the combination of the 2 have some greak knock down power...lol
I don't know. But since I do have a chrono, I'll likely check before fall. Both setups I will be shooting are new to me.
My arrow speed is pretty much like your own 275 fps.I typically don't pull a very high poundage,high 50's.I have had physical therapy on both shoulders.I also shoot a light arrow,360 grains. I shoot mechanical heads with a small cutting diameter and the large majority of kills have been pass throughs including one on a pretty decent size bear a few years ago.
I am getting 260. I concentrate on the location of the shot rather than worrying about speed too much.
I havn't chrono'd since I replaced the strings and ditched the brass nock for a loop. She was shooting right at 328 f.p.s. so I would guess it is between 328-330 f.p.s.
At the GTG i was shooting 216 fps but since then i switched to lighter arrow and turned my weight up five pounds.
I have never even tried to find out. I shoot my bow, most of the shots zip right through the deer, end of story for me.
I have mined tuned down to 275 fps. My fixed point broadheads fly great at this speed and I still maintain a decent pin gap for my fixed pins.
At the GTG it said 293, but that was with my 3D arrows which are a good bit lighter than my FMJ. I imagine it will end up in the 280 neighborhood. Seeings the longest shot I have taken on a whitetail in the last few years is 23 yards, I think I'm good with that. Most have been under 15 yards. I like em close. :d