I know field conditions and wind play a factor when hunting...but when setting up your hunting rig: -What distances do you practice most? -What is most common distance you harvest game? -What is typcially your MAX range when hunting? I have 20-50 yard pins and very comfortable on deer target with them. Hunting though I'm limited inside 40 typically just by cover. I have only shot one deer past 25 yards, again mostly because my stands are set for closer shots. I'm sure out West it's a whole other story...
I practice 20-60 regularly Most common distance I've shot deer 20 yards Max range depends on situation and the target. I'd shoot at a Coyote at 60 yds but not a deer. I'll probably get chastized for this but I'd like to take a deer beyond 40 yards. If the situation was right, I can make the shot.
I practice up to 40 yards all throughout summer. The longest shot I have taken on a deer is 25 yards. If I had a 40 yard shot on a deer, I would be comfortable taking it.
I currently have a 3 pin sight set at 20-40 yards. I have a 5 pin on order and will set it 20-60. I'm comfortable target shooting out to 40 right now. I can't imagine I'd ever get a shot on a deer at that range, but would be comfortable taking it.
I generally don't like to take a shot past 30 yards while hunting. Most of my kills have been around 17-23 yards I do practice out to 40.
situation dictates... on a perfect day under perfect condition on a relaxed deer I'd pull the trigger out to 40yds... but under most conditions I operate under a self imposed limit of 30yds unless the situation dictates less...
That's why I restrict my max distance. The vast majority of my misses at 50 yds in practice are under 4 inches from point of aim. But if I miss by 4 inches and the deer only moves 6 inches then I have now missed the spot by 10 inches. It only takes a regular imagination to think about the possibilities with a 10 inch miss.
Anywhere from 10 to 30 yards. The last year or so I've been extending my yardages out allot farther while practicing and It's really helped my shooting at 20 to 25 yards. 12 yards on average. 20 to 25 yards, It really depends on how I'm shooting before I go out hunting each time. There's days It's been 15 yards. Not for me It hasn't yet. My max yardage has never changed for the terrain or for the big game animal I'm hunting.
I like shooting out to 60 but when hunting I keep it within 40. Most shots taken at deer have been 20 or less.
I don't look at yardage, I feel I can make the shot so I take it. I'll impress myself more with how close I can get to an animal than how far I can make a shot.
All of my kills have been under 25 yards (15 being the avaerage), but I practice out to 50 (going elk hunting some day :d ) and I'm nails at 30, so that's my current, self-imposed limit.
1 pin @ 20 yards. I hold to the top of the back for 30 yards.. Shot 115lb. Doe and a 6-pt. @ 28 yards and another 6-pt. @ 13 yards.
Good point! It's one thing to shoot a spot at 50 yards, it's another to have that spot in the same place you were aiming at by the time the arrow reaches it. I can't imagine anything that would make me feel worse than hitting a nice buck in the butt because it took a step forward.
I practice mostly at 30-40yds, but won't shoot past 30yds, and in most situations like this in the field, I often find myself waiting out the shot to let the deer close the distance a bit more. Almost ever deer I've ever taken (even with a rifle) has been inside 60yds. Archery, all have been under 20.