I know there are guys on here that really find a lot of sheds in bunches, as for myself, the best day I have ever had was: 13 total, 11 elk sheds, two mule deer. Heavy pack; weighed about 65-75 lbs would have been my guess.. my best whitetail day is 8 ... How about you all?
13 sheds for me. Tyler has 2 days of 18 sheds in a day this year so far. Going to be hard to beat that. 23 sheds in a day is our record. Tyler found 18 and I found 5. Best year was 256 sheds between the two of us. Tyler found 147 and I found 109. So far this year we are at 116 sheds. Tyler has found 77. I have found 39. My god he is really kicking my arse again this year but I am getting use to it. Sucks to get old. LOL Tim
Last year I had 7 whitetails (only thing around here) in one long day (7 hours) This year my best is 5 in one day (6 1/2 hours)
My best is 23 in one day. I believe it was 20 whitetail and 3 moose. That was 2 years ago. Last year I had 19 in one day. I believe 17 whitetail and 2 moose. I've been forutnate to shed hunt areas that no one has ever been in....shed hunting or hunting. Lots of fresh sheds, but also a lot that have been laying out there 2-4 years.
I almost forgot.... chit...one day my brother, I and his brother in law picked up 33 mule deer sheds.. and 2 winter kills.. we were in em that day too, and it was only about a 5 hour day. I may have picked up around 13 or 14 of those mule deer that day...but I can't remember exactly.... we were finding them so fast that we sort of lost track in the excitement and we just kept bringing them back to a big rock shelf to pile them up since it was so steep on the mountainside that we were finding them and they were hard to tote around, we needed our hands to be free incase we slipped.. I mean it was steeeeeep! LOL
I've found 4 sheds in one day 2x. Some of those numbers you guys are putting up are pretty imrpressive!. Congrats!