Just curious what you guys plan to use this year. I think I'm going to stick with my old trusty Allegiance for another year. I'll be shooting a bit lighter spine arrow though, and may use a different sight, but no other drastic changes. 07' Allegiance - 62lbs - 30" Spot Hogg Hunter Hogg-It, Axcel Armortech, or Octane NXS, not sure which Deluxe Biscuit 7" Doinker Hunter 4 arrow Kwikee Combo Kwiver Goldtip CAA 400 - 100gr Rage - 4" feathers - BH.com Wraps What are you going to use this year?
Bear Truth 2 Trophy Ridge Judge sight Trophy Ridge Arrow Cage 1 quiver Trophy Ridge Shock Stop Delux Stabilizer QAD Ultra Pro rest HailFire 350's shafts (9g's per Inch) Rage 2 blades TRU Ball T-Thumb release
08' PSE Dream Season - 70lsbs- 28" HHA OL 5500 Radial X Weave Black Mamba Rage 100gr Once the freezer is full Montana Longbow
A loaded Trykon I picked up for $350. After spending 4 years with the stickbow I realized how insignificant the choice really is between compounds.
08 BowTech 82nd Airborne (29"@71lbs) Sword Apex Micro 3rd Plane sight 11" Octane Stabilizer Vapor Trail Limbdriver arrow rest Octane 1-piece quiver Loesch Laminated Dymondwood High Wrist Grip Paradox Braided Wrist Sling G5 Meta Peep FirstString Flightwire Strings/cables Probably Gold Tip ProHunter 75/95's Probably N.A.P. Spitfires
'00 Hoyt Havoc 60# Carbon Express Terminator 4560 w/ 4" vanes 100gr. Muzzy 3-blade John Deere Gator 4x2 to haul 'em out - best $ we ever spent
'08 Diamond Marquis 65# Spot-Hogg Hogg It Alpine soft-lock 3 arrow quiver Limb driver rest Doinker A-Bomb (Thanks Jeff) Mean-V suppressor Beman MFX 340 with three 4" right helical feathers. Slick-Trick 125gr Magnum or NAP Hellrazor 125gr Scott Little Bitty Goose Or Kanga Custom Longbow- 55# at 28" Easton XX78 SuperSlam 2016 Magnus Snuffer or 2 blade 125gr,
09 Bowtech Admiral, 63#, 27" DL TruGlo 3-pin Easton Epic Arrows NAP Hellrazor BH 100gr. TruFire Mossy Oak Buckle
Elite GTO 70# @29in Viper sight Whisker biscut rest Tru-fire release Carbon express maximas suped up with one stringer wraps, fusion vanes and a 100 gr. 3 blade muzzy up front! (and a random assortment of limbsaver accessories...)
07 Guardian 60lbs 28'' draw FMJ 400s w/ 4'' feathers tipped w/ RazorTricks Extreme 900 sight LimbDriver rest MeanV css Wildthing stabilizer VaporTrail strings
Mathew's Drenalin FlashPoint sight Rip Cord rest CX Maxima Hunters (250) Rage 2 Blade bhs S-Coil stabalizer G-5 Meta Peep Tru-Fire 3 finger release & All My Awesomeness.....
2005 Fred Bear Mossy Oak Obbsession 28 inches/ 60 lbs GT XT hunters with 2 inch fusion toped with hundred grain NAP hellrazor Cobra boomslang sight Nap quiktune Rest Scott Release
For starters I believe I'm going use my 09 Admiral for Pronghorn, Viper Pro 2000 sight, Limb Driver, 11.5" Doinker, GT's, Snypers. Of course my 82nd is set with it's Viper Pro MT sight, 11.5 Octane, Limb Driver, XX78's with Snyper, Slick Tricks, Muzzy and/or G5's. Back up, Iceman Carnivore Allegiance and maybe an Air Raid might make the line up.