I think trigger tension is the amount of pressure on the calipers?? what is trigger travel??? and what do I want for a 71 # pull? I have no idea what Im reading on the net....I have always just bought a release and shot it...Im looking at a new release...anyone know?
Travel is how far you must pull the trigger to release. Tension is how much pressure you need to apply to said trigger. I've never seen a caliper release come out of the package that won't handle 71#'s w/ no adjustment at all. But they are adjustable.....be careful though..........If you set the tension to loose.....yer gonna punch yourself in the jaw.........Not that I would know anything about that though....LOL
so mobow what you are saying is, they are usually ok right out the package, but if I wanted to tinker with it to make it more or less sensitive I can?? As of now every release I have ever had was good on a 70 # bow right out the package, I mean I just buy em and take out and shoot em as they are...only thing I have ever done is adjust the length to fit my hand..is this necessary to do for optimal accuracy or just a personal preference...??
You got it brother. They're fine right out of the package, but you can indeed make them a bit more, or less, sensitive. I normally don't mess with them either. Yes, adjusting the length IS important to accuracy. You don't want to have to reach for the trigger. If you are, yer gonna punch it every time. The farther down your finger you can get it (with a minimum of the first knuckle from the fingertip) the better. I've got mine now at my middle knuckle....The farther down your finger the trigger is, the more difficult it is to punch the trigger.
I think your right Jeff...Mobow, Im interested in the placement of the trigger and knuckle thing...right now Im just at the first knuckle, and could probably bring it in some more...what do you think?? Jeff you too..
I've shot with the trigger all the way down to the knuckle closest to my hand and I'll tell ya......I just don't think you could punch the trigger with it that close to your hand. It does, however, take some getting used to, it's a little......odd at first. I've found that I shoot best with the trigger at my middle knuckle. Just mess around with it, you'll know the way you like the best. Just don't reach for the trigger.....reaching is bad.
I always set mine to the heaviest tension required to fire the release.I like to really lay into my trigger while aiming,even on live game.I have no problems with a command release shot if needed like this.The plusses outweigh the negatives. here is how I have taught my son to place his finger over the trigger.I have started doing it as well and much preferr it.