I got an SA sports Empire Dragon for my son for Christmas . I bought it from ****s. I didn't know anything about cross bows and had never shot one. I know it is one of the low end bows as far as price. I was wondering what some of the differences are between the cheaper cross bows and the more expensive models. I don't know if we were lucky we got an exceptional bow or what, but I was surprised by the accuracy of this bow after we got the scope set up. WE shot it at a little over 30 yards off a shooting bench and the groups were just a couple of inches. I told my son it was almost like shooting a rifle. I can't imagine an expensive bow shooting much better than that. If all the cheap bows are capable of this accuracy what separates the cheap from the expensive. I know the more expensive bows may have a more expensive scope but at 30 or 40 yards do you really need an expensive scope ??
I think once you reach a certain price point the improvements will only be important to serious shooters. A helpful salesman at Bass Pro talked me into saving $500 by getting a Parker instead of the Ten Point that was looking so pretty. It was my first crossbow but I can't imagine needing anything better for the average hunter. http://http://www.safariworkstaxidermysales.com/N_American_Taxidermy_Mounts_s/1847.htm
Grits....I'm glad you're happy with your purchase....but I fell compelled to tell you that 2-inch groups at 30 yards....off a bench...with field points....is not that good. At that range, you should be close to putting them in the same hole. For what you purchased, I'd say you're doing well. The more expensive crossbows typically have better components...the limbs are better, the string/cables are better....the arrows are better.....etc.... I'd recommend buying some better arrows and see if you can tighten that group up a little.....