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What is the "BEST" crossbow??

Discussion in 'Crossbows' started by bowhunter546, Mar 3, 2009.

  1. Ky Bob

    Ky Bob Die Hard Bowhunter

    Oct 7, 2010
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    X2.........Really love mine! I also have a Tenpoint Titan that is a super nice Xbow but man it's heavy compared to the SZ380.
  2. Turkey Track

    Turkey Track Newb

    Dec 15, 2012
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    I just purchased my first crossbow this season due to a damaged shoulder. A a lot of research I had my choice down to Ten Point and Parker. I chose Parker primarily because the have a "life Time" warranty. The second time I took it to practice, on about the third bolt I broke a limb on the front end. I called Parker and told him exactly what happened and from the information I gave him, the told me exactly what had happened. He asked me to check the nock on the bolt to see if it was aligned properly with the off colored fletch. The nock and some how gotten turned so that the string was not seeded, only riding on the tip of the bolt. This allowed the string to slide off the bolt with the same result as a dry fire and resulted in the broken limb. Even though the damage was totally by fault, Parker sent me a completely new front end, which arrived in three days. Parkers service and warranty are the best in the business in my opinion. The bow itself shoots such good group you have to shoot different targets with each arrow or you will damage your arrows. It came with a red dot scope{ buy without a scope if possible} which I replaced with a scope which used 6 different crosshairs. You sight it in at 20 yards and each progressive pin increases your distance by 10 yard intervals {20,30,40,50,60,70 yards. With a rest this bow will hit a 6 inch bulls eye at 70 yards almost every time. While I would never take a shot a deer at that range, it was still impressive to know it would perform at that distance. I would recommend Parker to anyone considering the purchase of a crossbow, you should at least give them a look. you will be glade you did. Turkey Track out.
  3. Turkey Track

    Turkey Track Newb

    Dec 15, 2012
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    Thats the same thing Long Bow hunters say about guys who hunt with a compound bow.

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