Huntingson's 'Wierd Season' topic got me to thinking about wierd shots. Stuff you ended up shooting, but didn't start out shooting. Such as... One time, I'm standing sideways to the mirror in my master bath, at full draw, checking out my textbook form and manly physique. And I get so absorbed in the wonder of it all that I release. The arrow launches into the bedroom and into another mirror (no, not the one on the ceiling) and shatters it, then ricochets around the room until it double-lungs a pillow on the bed. The missus has since put the kibosh on any further narcissistic behavior on my part. At my son's house, we're in the backyard, target shooting (in direct violation of his HOA I proudly add) when he twitches, and sends one over the fence and into his neighbor's refrigerator on his back patio... And you?
No one else has ever shot something by accident? I skipped an arrow off the top of 3d deer's back (don't ask me how) and stuck it in the wooden power pole in my back yard. Total accident, but I LMAO when it happened. :D
I "accidentally" hit a crow on the rifle range? Does that count? I was in the Marines at the time. PS, a .223 round at 500yds is still very effective. :D But I can't see "accidently" shooting anything with a bow. Its not like you can claim that you were cleaning it, and it went off???
A friend of my dads accidentally shot an arrow In my dads topper on his pickup. We were all pheasant hunting with our recurves and longbows and a Rooster got up and swung sideways towards my dads pickup and a few of the guys let a few arrows fly not thinking about the pickup. The one guy drilled It perfect (the topper).
I was sighting in my 40 yard pin once and sailed it over the target :huh:, it then skipped off the ground and hit a metal building here on my property. It put a shaft size hole into the building and busted my arrow into a couple of pieces. I was amused after the fact...a long time after the fact.
A button buck I thought was a doe fawn.....In my defense the rascal was a total slickhead (that's right, no buttons at all) but had male gentalia. But that really wasn't by accident, I meant to shoot it.
who says?:d come one guys, not everyone is perfect and had never had an arrow misfire off their bow once. whether at a range or hunting, whatever. don't cruicify him for not knowing any better. I'll bet he doesn't do that again. As for me, shooting at a target in my yard, it skipped off the top of the target and hit the neighbors's house, took out the picture window. It didn't go thru the window, just hit it in the corner. Neighbor's house under construction. I'll be putting up a 8' fence this spring, along w/a pile of sand behind the target.
Yeah. Not counting the two times I put broaheads into trees, that isn't very impressive. The better misplaced arrow was when I put an arrow into the apartment wall we lived in for two years. To this day, my wife doesn't know it happened. The kicker, I missed a large entryway window by mere inches. Better than a dry fire though!!
These really are not "accidental" though. These are just poor aiming, or mis judging your sights, things like that. You really can't Accidentally shoot any thing. Not even with a firearm. THen it just becomes stupidity.
no he accidentally FIRED the bow, while checkin his draw in the mirror....pretty major difference. I ALWAYS have an arrow nocked when I draw a bow as well, just for the safety of the bow. I have drawn my bowfishing bow in my house trying out a release given to me, and halfway through the draw it tripped I guess under the weight? I was atleast aiming at the ground though. Anyway, I sent a 1600 grn fish arrow into the floor of my carpet, it didnt penetrate the floor, just went between the carpet and flooring. MUCH better than the bow having been dryfired IMO.