Other that asian carp and big heads what other species have you shot. I've been trout fishing and saw some monster trout that I couldn't catch with tackle. I would have loved to have some bowfishing gear then!:D
Gar, Silver Carp, Bighead Carp. Common Carp, Grass Carp, Buffalo, Shad, Grinnel. I think that pretty much covers it. Better leave those trout alone Kyle.
Shad, drum, bowfin, shortnose gar, longnose gar, spotted gar, common carp, bighead carp, silver carp, goldfish, shad, redhorse suckers, hog suckers, quillbacks, river carpsuckers, bullhead, paddlefish, bigmouth buffalo, smallmouth buffalo, black buffalo, grass carp, logs, root balls and a big piece of a submerged port-a-potty.
Shortnose gar, longnose gar, spotted gar, Common Carp( big and little mouth) Grass Carp, Buffalo, Grinnel and Drum. Have never seen a Big head or Silver
Dogfish - Longnose gar - Shortnose gar- Spotted Gar- Aligator Gar - Bigmouth Buffalo - Small Mouth Buffalo - Shad- Suckers - Grass Carp- Common Carp - Bighead carp - Silver carp - Mirror Carp Also shot a carp several years ago in a strip mine lake and the arrow had also went through a bluegill that was beside the carp.
Common Carp, Grass Carp, Mirror Carp, Longnose gar, Shortnose gar, Spotted Gar, Large mouth Buffalo, Small Mouth Buffalo, Black Buffalo, Drum, Shad, Silver Carp, Bighead Carp, Hog Suckers, Quill Back, Soon to come: Alligator Gar, Koi, Catfish, Spoonbill, Bowfin, Rays
If you're going to the Wounded Warrior Carpfest... hopefully your soonest to come will be some big, heavy bigheads!