Been using NAP Carbon Apaches for years. Put one on the new Axius Ultra. It’s working fine, but the tinkerer in me is looking at the QAD Integrated. Never had an issue with the Apache in years that I’ve been using them.
I had 2 QAD failures (great CS they replaced both of them no questions). NAP Apache Carbon on 2 bows (WB on the other) with zero issues. It is much quieter than the QAD and has only 1 moving part.
A lot of people like em, there heavy but built like tanks. They don’t offer full arrow containment. Al depends on your preferences and hunting style
I have shot the QAD Ultra HDX on my last 5 bows. I really like the QAD Integrate MX rest and I will be giving it a try this year.
I ended up getting a HHA Virtus, still waiting on my bow. Seems like a solid rest, looking forward to setting it up.
been rocking QAD HDX since 2016 and 2018 on my 2 bows, only failure I ever had was sleet froze one up and that would've happened on any rest. I used to have a limb driven Trophy Taker on my Mission but the cord would snag on stuff from time to time, and especially if I forgot to fold my TruFire release back it was always snagging on that. I liked the way the TT shot but the cord thing happened enough that it got me looking to find something else. Sent many thousands of shots through the older QAD since I got it, and it's still butter smooth. Nothing against the HHA or any others, but I've had no reason to kick the tires on anything else since going to QAD.