Is it possible? Are there courses or workshops to learn how to do this, similar to what the First Nations people did for hundreds of years? I'm talking about finding a branch in the wilderness and somehow constructing your own wire or string for it. (Sorry if I didn't use proper terminology) If the collapse of civilization ever occurs, I would like to know I'm prepared to fend for myself.
First step: Learn what wood was used to construct a proper bow. What part of the wood makes a proper bow. What type of bow you wish to attempt The amount of dry time you will need, what tools you will need before you start Then decide if you want to take the time and learn the skills needed to produce a product you can have pride in There are many books and some videos out there on traditional bow making Google tradition bow making
It would be much cheaper and quicker to buy. But yes, there are courses or bowyers that may let you learn from them. Don't stop there, cause you'll need to also learn to make bow strings. Modern strings use all sorts of high tech materials. If you want to go that route, I'd advise a chemistry degree or industrial engineering and maybe a stint in textiles. But I'm sure v there are a few who may fashion strings from sinew or natural fibers... You'll need to also learn to fashion arrows too. Perfectly smooth consistent cylinders, devoid of knots and flaws... You'll need a good axe, draw knives, spoke shaves... Lastly, your gonna need to learn to knap flint or obsidian for arrow heads. Fletching should be a piece of cake, especially if you have an ample supply of turkeys, dies to cut the fletch and s keen eye for accuracy. Since all these material will need to be maintained and replaced, you'll need to become very proficient at each. Lastly, mastering this new gear... Granted it won't have the same KE or FPS as modern gear, but natives made it work! They say to master something takes 10,000hrs. Best get started right away.
If such an event become reality I'd probably become a spear creator be attempting numerous straight down throws at deer.
Look for videos by Billy Berger (Primitive Pathways) who makes primitive bows and arrows and hunts with them. Including chiseling flint into deadly arrowheads. This is on my bucket list for some day, as well.