I've looked them all over and have almost decided on trying a McKensie Shotblocker crossbow target....its only around $5 more than the bowhunter target. I've used a Morell Yellowjacket broadhead target and though its ok, I want something different. I've heard too many negatives about the Block although the new Block Fusion looks good........too expensive for my taste. McKensie Shotblocker or ?
Yea, I use one of those buckmasters ones that I won at a hunting clinic. It has broadhead sides and field-tip sides. Not top of the line, but it works just fine.
I have never bought a brodhead target. Never shoot my broadheads much once I'm tuned up for season, just a shot ever now and then to make sure its still good to go. Always used straw with a couple of ratchet straps, Push the broadhead through and unscrew it.
I don't have one, but I've been reading good things about the Range King line of American Whitetail. See them at www.archerytargets.com.....they look real good to me and the price seems to be real good. Haven't heard from anyone that owns one.
I bought a 18-1 target from Rinehart....I also have a block, but think the 18-1 will outlast my block
I too have a Rinehart 18-1. Its a great target. I particularly like the fact that I can grab the rope and throw it and then I have to estimate the distance to shoot. Its good practice for me. One throw may be 25 yds the next might be 42 yds etc. So I practice gauging distance as well as shooting.
i also have the 18-1 as well, great target even with braodheads... lasts friggin forever... imho, best target around for the moeny
If you are serious about buying a target to use for broadheads, buy a target you can thrash and use for only one season. Don't worry about preserving it, just rip it to shreds with the broadheads. I was very happy that after a little tuning today that my broadheads and fieldtips were flying almost identical at 30 yards. I need to buy a new target myself so I can start blasting it with broadheads.
Another vote for the 18-1. Im kinda like sliverflicker, just shoot em enough after tune to make sure they are flying true.
I used to do the cheap 1-2 year use & trash. Then I bought a yellow jacket, cause many peopel like them. I didn't find it to be all it was cracked up to be. I'll probably go back to the minimal price for minimal use targets.
Rhinehart 18-1. I tried and tried and tried to shoot a hole through it in a year so I could use their warranty and get a new one... I couldn't do it. I shot fieldpoints, broadheads, you name it. I set it on my workbench in the garage and opened the door into the kitchen/living room and shot arrows from the couch. I'd shoot and watch tv... it's still perfectly fine to shoot and now I have another one from the GTG this summer. I'll be set for a couple of years. :D
I used one like this from Gander Mountain last year. http://www.gandermountain.com/modpe...t&cname=Targets&aID=503J5&merchID=4006&r=view