Is this the best the rut is going to get? I've seen 2 fresh scrapes and no bucks cruising outside of 1 1/2 spike/forks and that's only been 5, 3 of them in November. I did see one 2 1/2 year old with a doe last weekend across a grass field. I've gotten 3 or 4 different bucks on cam, 1 during the day and the rest well into the night. From what I'm seeing it just isn't happening yet, but hearing some of the reports from other areas has me thinking its a local issue or something. I have the entire next week off, then work 4 days and then have another 10 days off due to work shutting down. I'm not sure if I should hit it hard this coming up week or hunt sparingly and save a little for Thankgiving week. Downside about that week is it is after first shotgun season.
We'll the high for teusday is 38 degrees so I think that will start the chase!!!! We have been seeing some mature deer up on there feet during daylight and I think this cold front will get them chasing even harder!!! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Also a chance for snow, right now a dusting to possibly an inch or maybe even 2 is more I-74 north. Wouldn't mind a coating in the ground here though. I'll be out all day regardless
Dead slow for me. Just had my first deer in range all season, so yeah hopefully it picks up. Buddy did shoot a dandy 142" 8 pt. Wednesday afternoon.
I'm thinking next week with the cold front coming as well. However I've been saying next week for 3 weeks now. Haha
I just checked cams today. Had more buck pics than I've had since beggining of Sept. Even some daylight picks of couple good ones. I think its just starting to heat up in my area, seem to be getting more and more activity. With the temps forcasted this coming week I think it will be the determining factor of how its gonna be.
I apologize, I jinxed it in that lunar table thread or whatever. Said that deer don't have a lunar gene so the full moon cycle won't set the rut cycle. They called for a late rut. Anything I say the opposite happens
I'm pretty pumped about the weather forecast for this next week. Like you, I've got from Tuesday on off of work and will be spending a lot of time in the stand.
It's definitely starting to heat up here, we have seen at least one shooter every sit. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Yeah, I am so glad I pushed my vacation back to start tomorrow instead of end today. It's IL's week for sure
Just had three bucks fighting over the doe that walked by my stand. Couldn't get a shot off, but really cool to hear the grunting and horns clashing. Pretty drag out buck fighting. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
I think this week will be the week to get after 'em. Late last week, and over the weekend, the deer were really on the move around here. As mentioned already, weather looks good, and this blast of cold air will help keep them on the move.
Big front today, we'll see what happens. 34 minutes and all is quiet, a bit wet but quiet. Hoping some does make it into the bedding area this morning. Think they were bumped out by the bucks yesterday am and made for a slow evening.
I've been driving all over the state the last couple of weeks and have been seeing a lot of day time movement. Friday morning I saw a 3 yr making a scrape next to the I-70 by Cahokia mounds. Also I've seen a lot of chasing all over S. iL. Hillsboro area has a ton of chasing right now. Seen I lot of bucks cruising between Hillsboro and Greenville. Dead deer are littering the roadways down near Nashville, IL. If your not seeing activity perhaps your area has to much hunting pressure? Last year I hunted a lot and never saw day time bucks. This year I'm getting daytime pics but I haven't sat yet this season. Saturday is my 1st official sit. Gonna tear sh!t up.
Had a lot of daytime activity on our trail cams wed, Thurs, Fri of this past week. Then sat night driving saw 4 mature bucks following does. I'm hoping it's yet to come but feel like it's already started. Gorily today is good and for you guys that have tomorrow off that tomorrow is good due to front. Good luck guys.
Brown county went nuts yesterday. I saw 11 bucks chasing does between 11am and 2pm. Sent from my HTC VLE_U using Tapatalk 2
Starting to see some daytime bucks on camera. Saw 1 chasing a doe Tuesday the 29th of October. havent seen much chasing or cruising in my part of Lasalle county. I think with the cold coming things will be starting to move more.
I hunted Thurs to Sun and saw good rutting activity every day. Friday morning I saw 10 bucks, 3 of which were shooters, and couldn't get a shot at any of them. Sunday morning I had a stud 140" 8 point at 60 yards cruising a ridge top but wouldn't commit to the grunt call. Last night I watched a big mature buck bumping does in a green field, then at last light the biggest buck on the farm came out and was working some scrapes along a creek bottom. Trail cameras are showing good daytime activity starting last Thursday after the front so it's definitely on. I think the next 10 days are going to be the best time of the year so get in a stand if you can!
Figures I left there Friday, last week was really slow for us. Got word last night that the property owner found 12 carcasses in a creek bottom. That might explain why sighting were way down.