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What do you think about archery shops charging for everything they do?

Discussion in 'Bowhunting Talk' started by Greg / MO, Feb 18, 2009.

  1. TEmbry

    TEmbry Grizzled Veteran

    Aug 2, 2008
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    Anchorage, AK
    My only point for those saying shops are in it to make money....that petty 50 cents they charge here, and 25 cents there for things taking MAYBE 45 seconds of their time....aren't making them money. Happy customers are. Rob hit it on the head with showing and actually charging being two seperate things. I agree. Sadly, a local shop here didn't share these views. They even had the nerve to have items on the shelf that on the package in bold letters say, BASS PRO EXCLUSIVE. pick up a magazine, and this item only offered through bass pro is $15, and he has a $22.50 sticker on it. It was ridiculous. He overcharged for EVERYTHING, and sadly, was obnoxious to even talk to...almost like his time was worth too much to bless you with a conversation. One day I finally called him on him spouting off "Those big chain stores are rip offs, your just paying for those fancy mounts..I can match any price found in those magazines" (addressing another customer)...I calmy asked him if he would match prices on those Bass Pro Exclusives in the corner, LOL. He is, oddly enough, out of business now.

    When you are in a sales/service business, you either please the customers or close up shop, plain and simple.

    I really like my shop now, and if he stocks anything I am going to get, I will buy through him. But, what I am looking for is rarely in stock anywhere locally.
  2. rybo

    rybo Grizzled Veteran

    Jul 24, 2008
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    Pittsburgh, PA
    If I walk in to have something done, I expect to pay for it. Even it materials are nothing, thier time isn't free. I've gone to places that I maybe only frequent a couple times a year,(but its been MANY years in a row) and they've helped me out in a pinch for no charge,,,which is amazing.

    I think a price list is the best policy, and when a bow AND accessories is purchased there, setup should be free. Maybe even toss in a half hr range time. But if its one or the other, fees should apply.
  3. buttonbuckmaster

    buttonbuckmaster Grizzled Veteran

    Jul 25, 2008
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    southern IL
    My pro shop charges $1 to cut an arrow. Nice to know I've been taking it in the shorts all these years.
  4. MGH_PA

    MGH_PA Moderator

    Sep 23, 2008
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    Cogan Station, PA
    Like all business, the owner has the right to charge for whatever service he/she feels, and can charge whatever rate he/she deems acceptable. It's up to the customer to decide if it's worth it or not. For me? I don't mind seeing a breakdown of the individual services, even if some seem trivial. In fact, the only two "pro" shops I've ever given business to had signs of this nature, yet, because I was a returning customer, I was rarely charged for all of them. Like someone already stated (I'm too busy to check, lol), it takes a while to build a customer base, but I think how you handle the customer base once you have it is more critical to your overall success than anything. If you are going to continue to nickle and dime loyal customers for small work here and there, although it's your choice, I'm not sure it's great from a business standpoint of view.
  5. bassman417

    bassman417 Newb

    Feb 15, 2009
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    SE Iowa
    I must be the only one with a proshop that charges me nothing. I bought my bow from there 2 years ago. I go to them only for my arrows, broadheads, whatever else just because I love the service. Theres some places much closer but I drive about an hour and a half to get great service. I go there every year in the summer to get my bow tuned and even my brother who bought a bow from another dealer went with me to get a new bowstring custom made and the dude only charged for the string. I appreciate everything he does for us bowhunters and I have tried to pay for his services but he wont take a cent unless it has a price tag on it. He says not everyone can tune there own equipment and his costomers are considered friends, every one of em. He says his costomers wouldnt ask for money if they gave him a hand and he wont ask either. Good ol small town proshops!!
  6. Gr8atta2d

    Gr8atta2d Die Hard Bowhunter

    Aug 28, 2008
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    I think it depends on your relationship with the shop. My main shop I can get virtually anything done bow wise and have to beg him to take a few bucks. The other shop they charge for everything. My main shop I shot at and go to tournaments with etc. The closer shop has no range so they need to make the money from sales and repairs.

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