Just curious what you guys do with year after years worth of trail cam photos. I try to keep all the buck photos I collect over the years so I can keep track of what is going on and to see if deer come back year after year or move on. I found this website, www.huntsync.com that allows you to store your photos for free, along with track deer, set up maps (topo and satellite) for your hunting properties, assign stand locations and a bunch more. It is completely free and such a great tool for hunters that I put it in my signature line also. If you get a minute, I would encourage you to check it out, because it has really helped me in the past year and solves a lot of the problems I had with storage size on my computer and what to do with all those photos! If you have questions, feel free to ask!
I have a little over 13,500 pics on my computers Hard drive. Have been using trail cams for about a year now. At the end of the year I will most likely go through them and just save the bucks and the ones I think are interesting....
I just keep bucks and unique pics bobcats and stuff but seperate them by year and thats it but I dont run as many cams as some of these guys only hunt prob 300 acres. Dont see a need for more than a few.
I have an external hard drive that I keep all my photos in and that way I have plenty of room. I think once I reach the max I might just get another one.
i just have folders of the property name then within those folders the name of the bucks from that property.. easy sorting and that way its easy to find your pictures of a certain buck again at a later time
I save the ones I like best on Photobucket and in my photo gallery on my website. I go threw so many pics every year I dont even slow down while I am looking at pics unless it is a decent buck or something cool.