About these for limb butt overlays? They still need some cleaning up but I can do that when they are epoxied to the limb The rest of the limbs will be Jatoba on the back Yellowheart on the belly with antler/phenolic tip overlays. The first of the limbs are in the heat box.
Joe. Yep sure is. I just wish I could have salavaged enough to make limb lams out of. Might be able to make some multi wood lams with what I have tho.
Here is the Antler/phenolic fir the limb tips. Gonna see if I can make up a set of antler limb bolts as well:d
Here is a sneak peak at the antler tip overlay's I tell ya what antler is one tough material to work with. I finish off the other limb tomorrow and post some pics of the bow put together