I already know they like corn, beans, acorns, apples, soft pines and a few other things too, but what I'm wondering is what types of forest plants do they favor over others and does anyone have pics with a description of a deers favored type plants and trees?
Persimmons. Honeysuckle. Even briars(the name of the species of briar escapes me at the moment). A host of various foest undegrowth. Knowing what they like, how to identify it and what tiem of year it is a preffered source is vital to hunting food srouces !
Persimmons are my favorite early season food to hunt. They also love green briar and another briar type plant we call dew berry. They like kudzu as well. Isolated patches of these types of browse can really produce.
They do love persimmons but they ar seasonal and some times hard to find depending on where you live. Honeysuckles are awsome, but find a patch that you know are being used and fetilize them. You may be suprised how well it works!