I am sitting here looking at my November calandar and trying to think what days I am going to take off. I am allowed to take off 4 days that month. I save one of those for the opening day of shotgun season(Nov. 20), andthat leaves me with 3 left. I have the weekends off too. Right now I am leaning towards Nov. 3, 4, 6. What all days/time period do you shoot for?
I'll be hunting the evenings of the 2nd and 3rd, and I am taking the 4th, 5th, 6th, and 7th off to hunt as long as my fiance and I don't already have something on the ground!
The "Peak" day last year here in IL from what me and friends saw was Nov 9th. I would have to say year in and year out, that the 9th-13th are the best days I see for all day buck movement. For evening hunts, they do get moving more toward the first part of Nov...but I rarely hunt afternoons...you can't go wrong with any days off b/t Nov 1 and shotgun season
Do you get Veteran's day off? If so, I would take the 9th and 10th off so you have 5 solid days of hunting. It also helps to know what the forecast is too so not sure when you'll need to have your vacation in.
I'll be at it every chance I have, unless the wind is bad for certain spots, then I'll be bouncing around and hunting in SW Ohio as well. Pretty close to my house so it works out. October 31st through November 18th, I'll be going at it hard. You're only young once . But if its anything like last year, I'll find a way to be in a tree as much as possible from October 1st to January. But that is not always realistic, life happens... One thing of great importance for me this year, is to NOT overhunt spots or hunt them with bad winds.
I am hunting November 6-15th and November 21st-29th. I also have a week off in December during the muzzelloader season. Should be a blast!
I'm going to try for the 3,4,6, and then maybe get lucky enough for the 9th too. That gives me 10 great days in the woods from October 31st-November 15th.
every year Deer & Deer hunter has an article on rut predictions for the year. I used it last year and it was very accurate. The writer has been doing the study for 13 yrs. This year the chasing phase should start ramping up around Nov. 2nd and peak the 6th & 7th.
if I were you, I'd focus more on work and less on hunting. Your company needs your services. It's not cool that you're abandoning your co-workers because you'd rathr be hunting.