Ultimate Camo for 5 of my setups. Predator for 1 ASAT for 2 Enigma 2 for 1 setup When going in Blind I will have Predator
It's looking like Hunt Nut will have a Mossy Oak sponsorship so my open patterns will take a back seat. I'll be using Obsession and New Break Up in early season and I'm very relieved that Tree Stand came out because it is much more open and will be a welcome addition in the late season where I really love my open patterns.
Early in the season I'll wear miscellaneous cheap crap that I may very well mix up, ie mossy oak top and fusion 3d pants. Then, I have one set of Enigma that I'll wear more as temps fall.
The only thing I can put on head to toe & match is Seclusion. But at any given time I wear various versions of Realtree & MO stuff. I almost never match. Until the stuff I have now wears out, I likely won't pick up any of hte "new" patterns.
Same Predator Evolution as last year unless it rains then I got a cheap top (Natgear) and bottom(RealtreeHD) for early season. My gore-tex Konifer pattern is wrong for the area I'm in this year and it's too hot for early season.
Well, I have, Enigma Ultimate Camo Realtree AP Predator Fall Brown Predator Fall Grey Predator Brown Deception ASAT Reatree XBrown Truwoods All of which will have rotations depending on my stand locations and seasons. :d Honestly, whatever the mood strikes me.
Predator Fall Gray and Spring Green. I would rather wear a pair of overalls than anything from a big camo company. Overall's would offer the same level of edge breakage!