I've been stuck on these guys forever. Mavericks! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WNekTaLAIv8&feature=PlayList&p=EF779D266D0C07C9&index=3
I've been listening to some old school Deftones alot this week. White Pony is such a good album. I haven't really had time to listen to any new bands recently.
1. David Gilmour 2. The Fabulous Thunderbirds 3. Albert King 4. Muddy Waters 5. Stevie Ray and Jimmie Vaughn 6. Jimi Hendrix 7. Robert Johnson 8. Billy Gibbons hard to find good local guitar jammin blues bands without goin to buddy guy's place in the city so I get "stuck" with a lot of classic stuff... i'm not complaining but i'd like to find some newer stuff as well (though newer t-birds is pretty good)
Salvia Shinedown Sixx AM Queensryche (New one coming out also) Papa Roach Ministry Mastadon Static-X SuidAkra
new queensryche huh?? cool, one of my all time favorite bands... I think i still have rage for order on vinyl somewhere...
I usually don't get too stuck on "artists" much, rather just individual songs. And most of the artists that take up the majority of space on my Ipod I would probably get hammered by you guys if I publicly listed some them.
New one's out.. and it rocks... (see thread "For those who haven't heard it yet") Oh.. I gotta add Sixx A.M. Fleet Foxes
Any thing Jack White is involved in. The White Stripes The Raconteurs And I really love the Van Lear Rose album he did with Loretta Lynn Just really like his style.
These, along with BB King, Freddie King, and maybe some old school (Pre-Bryan) AC/DC were always in my CD changer when I had time to play guitar a lot. Now days, I just do not seem to have time to look for good music. And believe me, with what's out there, I have to really look hard.
Guns N Roses....J/K actually right now i dont have a particular band. Im on a lit/sum 41/blink 182/offspring thing right now.
Well, if you listen to them back to back your head might implode But one is great for the drive to work, working out, etc., and the other is cool to listen to while sitting by a nice fire with a cold adult beverage in your hand... gotta have some variety, or you'll go nuts, ya know?
Kyle check out Clay Underwood too, he is a local guy but has a great voice....see if you can find "Behind these Walls" somewhere, great tune.
I like a few of the local bands actually! Clay Underwood (Behind these Walls) The Kentucky Headhunters (Dumas Walker and Cajun Coco) Black Stone Cherry (Please Come In is a new good un, and who could NOT like Lonely Train) Cage the Elephant (Aint no rest for the wicked, and In One Ear) As far as Brantly Gilbert goes, I still haven't gotten myself past Dirt Road Anthem....