Jamey Johnson Brantley Gilbert Eli Young Band Eric Church Jake Owen Been stuck on these ones for a good while, though.
Bart Crow, Cross Canadian Ragweed (I have played Live at Billy Bobs since it came out, the stuff never gets old any of it) Bleu Edmonson Robert Earl Keen Jr.
Funny, I have mp3's randomly playing on the computer and "Everything is you" is playing by Eli Young as I read your post :d
well...I am kind of stuck on some stuff you all will prolly laugh at. Buckcherry...I can't usually listen to albuns through without skipping something...but I really like both albums I have of these guys. Zac Brown Band...These guys are just cool Theory of a Deadman has been doing it for me lately too.
I'm not so much stuck on bands as I am songs. And I think I may be gay.....good grief..... Pink - Sober Three Doors Down - It's Not My Time Disturbed - Indestructable
Casey is playing here in Odessa Friday night...may try to go and take son...he's partied with Casey before.I like Randy Rodgers band Great Devide Seether Six AM Theres some of the new rock I really do like and they happen to come throught here,problems is it'salways on Thursday nights!Any Texas style country,CCR lost a little of that when they went Nashville,best they ever put out was "Live at the Wormy Dog Saloon"
No doubt, I bought their last 2 cds played em once but havent played em agian. Its just not the same. I do have to admit "Purple" is my favorite CD of theirs. Most of their music I have is on some burned cds a ton of old old like Stillwater days old stuff and it is by far their best.
I never could get into Eli Young. I always thought their stuff was good enough to listen too, Untill they came and played live on the strip in stillwater. Got booed out of Dirty Dog's and I just havent seen them the same yet.
Man, I like your taste:wink: Also... Jason Boland Ed Burlesson Chris Knight Roger Creager Robert Earl Keene Hank II & Hank III Mickey and the Motorcars
Very underrated band. Nice choice. I'm not really into music now. I worked as a radio dj/club/mobile dj for so long...I feel like I've heard it all. One band I do still enjoy alot is Jet. To me, CCR will always be Creedence Clearwater Revival.
Is that country? I'm completely unfamiliar 1. Weezer 2. Depeche Mode 3. The Cure 4. Korn (they're coming to town, soon!)
Yes sir... #'s 1&2 are Texas Country and Red Dirt Country. #3 is a guy bringing back country to country.
Currently? Hmmm... Been listening to the new Queesnryche album "American Soldier" for a solid week now best they've done since Operation:Mindcrime, IMHO. EXCELLENT STUFF! Let's see who else.. The Pimps Reverend Horton Heat Jamey Johnson Rush The Great Divide Drive-By-Truckers Kings of Leon Gary Allan (Always had a thing for his music) The Jayhawks
Pretty much all the coutry bands listed so far are on my list. But at the moment I can't get off of Merle Haggard. He is possibly my new favorite artist. The man is amazing.
How about songs can I just do this one song. Ive been hooked on it for quite a while now. Reminds me of home http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0qvj-2moYZM&feature=related