Figured it would be a good topic, seems like we have some foodies that cook a lot more than just game meat. I am currently thawing a beed rib roast that I will season with fajita season and cook in the crock pot for dinner when the boys come over. Cook it till it falls off the bone so good. Grandsons think we will be eating otter but that is another story.
doing deer burgers tomorrow night/fries, etc.... just finished off a venison roast/crock potted ... have had beaver, muskrat, coon, bear, caribou, moose, elk, venison, wild pig, bunny, squirrel, pheasant, quail, various waterfowl and woodchuck
Trying to get better at cooking sauteed onions. I can't believe I went this long without knowing how darn good they are on a lot of stuff.
Sautéed mushrooms and onions on a prime rib with homemade horseradish! Except I don’t know how to make the horseradish but I know it is goood! Winter does good for crockpot foods but Charcoal in the summer is the best.
BBQ chicken tenders, Cajun style roasted baby red tatter wedges, asparagus sauteed in olive oil and garlic paste, and a tall glass of sweet tea.
The grandsons are under the belief that I killed a rabbit thru it on the ice, waited in the cold till the otter showed up and I killed it with a f'ing pencil and roasted it for dinner.
The trick to home made horseradish is the right amount of white vinegar and DO NOT TAKE THE TOP OFF BLENDER AND LOOK DOWN IN CANISTER. That is if you want your lungs
Had venison burgers tonight with sautéed yellow/zucchini squash with roasted red pepoers, A side of airfryer steak fries. Pear crisp for dessert.. Hard to beat any of my homemade soups. Seasoned sou vide meats. We ate slow/ low oven roasted ribs with baked tater for hubby, salad for me and my garden green beans last night . Wild turkey, mushrooms in a parm cream sauce over noodles, venison chili. Baked cod, salmon or perch. Salmon patties. Sausage braised in a sweet red wine. Pork and homemade saurkraut. All winter basics
No points for originality. I made venison burgers. I didn’t have any Italian sausage thawed so I mixed some butter in with the ground venison, onion powder, garlic powder, grated Parmesan, Italian bread crumbs, salt/pepper, balsamic vinegar, and Worcestershire. Topped with a slice of Colby Jack. No buns or fun toppings. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk