What do you guys consider is the premier magazine for buck hunting? I see so many magazines at Barnes and Noble, dont know which one to read? pinstripes
I rarely read hunting magazines anymore. The articles all start to sound the same after a while. I think most subjects have been covered many many times over the years. I get more new information right here. If you like to see pictures of big bucks and read the stories behind them North American Whitetail is the one.
Bow and Arrow hunting is a very good magazine.Good articles from guy's who are the real deal.Very good unbiased equipment reviews. Deer and Deer Hunting is excellent from a technical perspective. North American Whitetail for the stories about the biggest bucks being taken across the US and Canada. I will only purchase subscriptions any more if they are deeply discounted.I prefer a well written book or conversation from the folks here and some other internet sites.
I agree. It seems like nearly every article I read regarding deer hunting is pretty much the same recycled information I have read a thousand times before. So, I don't buy many magazines anymore.
Deer and Deer Hunting hands down favorite. I also like Bowhunter and Bowhunting World.. I get them both but I get them mixed up all the time, they are so similar. I also LOVE Quality Whitetails, by QDMA, very few articles geared towards hunting but the information and the knowledge you can gain from reading just one issue is tremendous.