I dug up a picture. I pulled this arrow through a morrell bag target. This is fletch tape and I do not put any glue on the front or back of the fletch.
This is the response I was waiting for. I know feathers work great, just as blazers do. I was just being opinionated as the responses before me were. I don't really think either is better than the other, just different. As for the bolded portion, blazers don't have that issue to begin with.:D I honestly can't think of a single arrow I have ever had to refletch since switching to blazers, well over a year or two out of the same fletchings. Actually, there was one that had the blazer stripped off when shooting groups, but it destroyed the shaft in the process. Sure feathers have no problem shooting through WBs, besides the rapid wearing out. Blazers are just a better option IMO as they won't wear from the biscuit abuse alone.
I will say that the Blazers have been tough as nails for me, but with my current situation, feathers are my only option...plus I have shot them and killed deer with them before with no issues, Im good with them.
I do have to agree though, blazers are much more durable than feathers. My point is/was if you aren't shooting 20 yd groups all the time feathers will last as long as any fletch. But the feather doesn't really lend itself to heavy physical abuse. There just seem to be so many misconceptions and half truths about them.
Feathers are hard to beat. Having said that I have no complaints with Blazer vanes, though I am trying some Duravane Fusions just because I want to. Using the Muzzy rest on my Patriot or the Limbdriver on my Allegiance I've had no issues using the Blazers.