Well after opening weekend and a Saturday hunt this past weekend the rains came. The Chattahoochie River flooded all around Atlanta and now my Treewalker is about 12-15 feet under water(I have never left it in the woods ubtil Sat night). What is amazing is the fact I am 600 yards from the river and half way up a hill. That is one of the risks of hunting the flood plains, but at least my house and all our friends and families are safe from damage. I cannot quit thinking of a ridge on the other side of the road (can't get to it yet) that is way up out of the flood plain and full of white oaks. My question is for you guys who deal with the Mississippi or any of you that have dealt with a flood, will the deer "yard" up so to speak on higher ground. I would guess out of the 5 or 6 miles of hunting on the river, between several groups of guys, we have the only 2 hills that are dry right now...what are your thoughts?
I would think they would have no choice. Either move up or swim..lol. The folks I hunt with in IL had 13 fawns in a pen that they caught after last years flooding in the mid-west. He said they were everywhere, their mommy's had to abandon them while going to higher ground apparently.
I would guess that they would be a little bit easier to hunt because the fact that there is less land for them to be hiding from you.
It's crazy here in GA right now. Here is the gate on my driveway without the flood. Here it is yesterday evening around 7. The creek crested here around midnight and everything is back down at my house. Not so around the rest of town though.
I will have the pics up soon of our lease. I am at a loss for words. We have never seen anything like this, and I personally lost nothing. I got my stand out today and literally spit into the flood waters. This stand is several hundred yards away from the river. I have pictures of a horse pasture that is about 350 yards from the river and now it is easily 15' under water with fish jumping in it. There is a tree I leaned on and almost shot a turkey from this year, the fork in it is well over 20' high and I was watching water run through it with my binos...simply amazing.