This is going to be a bit long, however it will be worth it! Mid summer I sold my buddy my Martin Shadowcat and bought myself a mathews z7x. Since then I have had some success hunting thanks to some friends that have been helping and a LITTLe bit of experience I have. My friend has NO experience hunting so he has had no luck. So I wanted to hunt this morning, and my usual hunting buddy couldn't make it, and I hate getting up at 4am and driving a half hour exhausted alone, so I called the guy I sold my bow to. Sunrise was at 715 and at about 6 we are both at our stands. He is hunting a hanger on a tree line next to a corn field, and I am hunting woods between bedding and corn. He texts me at 615 and says he's not comfortable climbing into his stand (its a tree with a lot of branch so you have to climb the ladder, then climb the tree a few feet, then sit in the stand) because it was dark and he was unfamiliar. I told him he could hunt the adjacent hedgerow from the ground if he wanted, so thats what he did. 7:05 am: I get a text saying "I just shot one!" from my buddy. Of course I don't believe it because we haven't been there an hour, its his first REAL time out, and deer haven't been moving in the morning around here until about an hour after sun up. Well he called me and ecstatically told me he shot one. He then asked what he should do, leave it lay in the field, go over to it, etc. I then told him to just relax and go to sleep while I hunted :-) 7:20 am: I look to my left and here comes a doe weaving through some saplings right over to my stand. she comes into a clearing about 10 yards from my tree, I give her a "mah", she stops, and I let her have it. I watched her run about 70 yards and crash. I then called my buddy and told him that I too had shot a deer. By 5 minutes after sun rise I had filled my doe tag and my buddy shot his first deer, which turned out to be a nice sized button buck. What a morning! Truly a day I will never forget!