Well I hae been on the lookout for a truck cap for my truck. I found this one up in Green Bay, and its a smoking deal. The make is A.R.E. and color matches and the guy says its in perfect condition. He just wants it gone out from his landscaping shop! He listed it for $300 and I asked if he would take $250, he hesitated and said yes. I said I'll take it. Then He goes ya know, I just listed it and then looked up the info on it after I posted it and we paid $1200 for it a couple years ago but if you want it it yours! http://greenbay.craigslist.org/pts/1259255547.html ROAD TRIP............ be back in a few hours!
Nicely done my friend. I scoured Craigslist looking for a cap for my truck for weeks before giving in and getting a new one. Between that and my week of hunting with Dan I still can't walk straight.
Beat ya Dan!!!!!!!! I just got back with my new used cap! All in all, $250 for the cap and about $25 in gas and I have a cap on the truck! Pretty stoked about that, got sick of things getting wet! I gotta replace one of the side locks sooner or later but not to worried about that or the cost! I made out like a bandit!
Well I just got off the phone with the truck cap guy and to change out the one side lock is $13.00, but to have them all keyed the same I'll have to do all 4 of them, oh well, another $60.00 and I'm still stoked!!!!!!!!!! Its like having a new truck all over again!
Thats a great offer John, thanks, but what would I have done with it??? I have a long bed Silverado! :d :d
Sure is, A full size fiberglass cap. Contractors side windows that open up! No need to be sorry my friend!
who did you call to get your locks or order the parts from??? i have a key busted off in on one of mine and the other is all rusted. all four need to replaced really.