sry about the pic quality. they are pictures of pictures. only way i could get them uploaded my fiances first deer ever!! 172# 8 point with character my morning hunt. 162# 8 point
yea she really ripped me a new 1. my family killed a couple smaller bucks so i thot woohoo now i got the pressure off. i got everbody beat. then that afternoon she kills that beast. got mine beat pretty bad, but im happier that she killed it than i ever woulda been if i had
I know what you mean okcaveman. You can be proud of your student, I think sometimes that means even more. (That is until they kill the booner that you've been lookin for all your life! LOL!) I would really have a swelled head in your case though since you called both of them up! Way to go!!!! lp
il be honest hogwire. i have killed alot of deer, some really nice bucks. and the ONLY thing that even came closeto the pride i felt helping her was my first bow kill. but even that was miles lower than. for all yall who have never helped somebody out and taken them hunting my god get out there and do it. there is simply nothing more rewarding than seeing the look on somebodys face when they take their first animal. youl be riding high for days thinking of that moment
Congrat to her on her buck. That's a fine looking brute, like the g-2s. Are going to get it mounted. I would recommend it, seeing how it's her first. By the way, you're lucky you have a female that hunts w/you. At least you avoid the arguments about going out, you just argue about who's going in what stand.
1st of all, congratulation's to both of you on 2 great bucks!! And 2nd of all, I know exactly what your talking about on setting someone else up on an animal and helping them succeed In doing so. I've been fairly blessed In Minnesota bear hunting and have shot some dandy bear, one that Is very high In the P&Y books. I've taken the knowledge that I've learned bear hunting and set my hunting needs to the side the last 7 years or so and put all of my attention to the rest of the guys In our little hunting party on setting them up on P&Y bear. So far I have been successful 3 times In the last 7 years on helping these guys get P&Y bear, you are so right, there Isn't a better feeling In the world seeing them pose behind a 250lb+ bear scoring over 18". The look on there faces says It all, I couldn't be more proud. They don't even have to be book animals, It's just a good feeling helping somebody, specially the people you care for. My dad was one of them that got one this fall, he's one proud man! The worst thing about the whole deal was I missed out on him getting his nice bear by a couple of days being work was calling me and were 4.5 hours apart. My goal Is to get my brother on a nice P&Y bear, he should of had a dandy this year, It didn't work out. That will be my goal until It happens and then I can go back and start putting time In once again for myself. Great thread Caveman!! My hats off to you.
thank you all for your congratulations. yes her buck will mmost definatly be mounted. she wouldnt have it any other way and neither will i! i wish you luck on those good P&Y bears. maybe one day il be able o go somewhere and be blessed enough to harvest a bear myself. i envy u sir.