I have to say, this has been the worst year we ever had out at my brothers place this year for riffle season. the hunt and company was great, don't get me wrong, but if it wasn't for Kibbles whacking that spiker, we'da got the big GOOSE EGG! we do have a new nemesis too. ol Kevlar the buck! your sure to be hearing more on this guy. brother Deano got a crack at him the first week. we knew he hit it. we heard it. no hair, and no blood, simply bounded away. then Kibbles , sitting in the ground blind in the swamp, felt the hair rise on the back of his neck, looked behind him to see "ol Kevlar" staring at him through the trees with those beedy glow in the dark type eyes. Kibbs got the gun around, lined up the sights on kevlars bean, and squeezed the trigger. wouldn't you know, "ol Kevlar" ducked the bullet and Kibbs struck paydirt on the spiker standing behind "ol Kevlar". then, last Sunday, he snuck onto the island I was watching and I took a gander through the scope to se, "yep, ol Kevlar" he ain't gonna pull the slip on me by gosh! so I dropped the cross hairs on his shoulders and the 30.06 roared! the bullet hit him in the shoulder, sure as I'm sitting here, no way I could have missed. "ol Kevlar just trotted away" we have all of muzlim loader season to try to get that sumbich, but with his track record, it aint gonna be easy. as I was saying, if it wasn't for that spiker we'd be eating crow this year. we've had tougher years, but for the life of me, I can't remember exactly when. maybe back when I was a ladd? I think the DoNothingRight really screwed the pooch this year in estimating the herd count in this area. I hope all had a good hunting season and those next door in WI still are!
I hear what your just saying RWK:d I can't not go. it's family tradition. I can say my heart wasn't in it after I got my buck and doe two days before rifle opener. I mean I had fun, I saw a few deer, but I didn't have anything to prove to myself, I already got it done with the bow. never been in that position before...kinda weird.. still, I shoulda had that bullet proof bass turd
I've hunted a few monster bear In your neck of the woods that have gave me the old "slip away the day before the season opens". Bait gets hit during day light hours up all the way to the 31st of August and then shazoom, he's vanished until next August!! Man Is It frustrating, but It keeps me going back to that same area every year come the middle of August when baiting opens. That's hunting for ya Jigglestick!