Thats it John boy Your like 4 hours away and i have been to your house , one of these days im driving back over and your taking the Dink rockin awesome find Johnny!! Is the one in the third pic made from stone?? and is it dished on both sides?? It may be part of a discoidal used for games. Or its just a hammer stone. Is that a stone ball at the bottom?? another rare find if it is!! Looks like mostly cash peices and i see a couple drill candidates or maby scribers. Keep your eye out for items made from banded slate. Items like pendants, gorgets, or banner stones are $$$ peices. Im surprised you have not found a grooved axe yet as hot as that sight is.
There is also a lot of pink flint pieces around, but I haven't found any tools made from the pink stuff. I'll be discing it up again soon to plant food plots. I'm sure I'll turn up more stuff then.
John, id say who ever told you paint cup is probably right. Its to worked to be a hammer stone, and discoidles are cupped on both sides. Not sure about the round cylinder with flat ends
Those are some wonderful finds guys. I wish I had some property to look for that type of stuff. I would love to hunt with that chert on the end of one of my arrows.
Neat stuff there gri22ly, and thanks for the info. I know next to nothing about what I am finding except for what info I get from others. I'll post some pics of some of the pink flint I'm finding. What I find strange is I have not found any of the arrow head shaped pieces at all, like the small ones in your pics. Just the spear shaped points like the large white one in your pic.
John, guys are seriously rekindling my interest in artifact hunting again. One of my most prised possessions was my collection i put so many hours into only to have it all destroyed when my house burnt down in 2005 Grizz, do you think the last pic is part of a bannerstone?? Its ashame most farmers are going no till these days, It took alot of the artifact hunting away!
Not only no-till practices, but the simple fact most guys aren't plowing anymore Blood. Even our deep tillage practices have been changed due to erosion. Most of our deep tillage is only busting up compaction layers, and barely burying the trash on top to bring up a soil into the mix of crop material. Awesome finds Grizzly! And once again, thumbs up John.
Dude, you seriously screwed up,,they are worth $$$$$ ALOT more than that Bols, thank you for the info,,and bring on those pics, i want to see them.
Since we have a great deal of knowledge getting kicked around and I have now seen a picture of a bannerstone, what did they use them for? Sorry for my ignorance, it certainly has spelled me into intrigue, which could lead to a craving for knowledge.....
Here is a good defanition for ya!! Its thought to be!! A ground and polished flattish stone object with a single longitudinal perforation commonly found in the American midwest and east. Possibly an atlatl weight or a ceremonial artefact.
Not even sure Gri22ly. I wouldn't even know how to put those things on the end of one of my arrows. That is sad huh? I guess I need a mentor.....any takers? I just know I would get a great deal of satisfaction using some older methods/equipment to arrow a deer. I truly believe one day I will only use a recurve and hunt from the ground.