25 years old, never had an accident until tonight. What do I hit? A cop. Figures Luckily everyone is ok, and neither of us were at fault. Long story short, I pulled out of a parking lot, once I was almost into my lane, another car pulled out into my lane, pushed me into oncoming traffic. I made the split second decision to try and cut across both lanes of oncoming traffic and jump the curb to get out of the way. I didn't make it. Luckily we (myself and the cop) saw it coming, and turned in the same direction and hit corner to corner (hit on my wife's side). My tacoma took it like a champ (kind of). Looks like mostly front end cosmetic damage (lots of it), but I drove it afterward. It could have been WAY worse.
Not sure what happened with the other driver. She came back and said it was her fault, as did all of the witnesses. Insurance information was taken, paperwork was done, etc, etc. Now I have to wait and see how this all plays out insurance wise. I think I will be good to go. I'm wondering what the bill will be for the truck. I don't think there's frame damage, but my front right took a hard it, I wouldn't be surprised if my lower control arm is tweaked. I couldn't tell really well since it was dark.
The third in command cop in a local law enforcement department just resigned after being arrested on grand theft auto and petty larceny. The guy went to a fire department function drunk, then stole the volunteer fire captains SUV and drove off. He then abandoned the SUV. He was caught on video tape. You are lucky THAT guy didn't collide with you!
Glad it wasn't more serious....from what you described on the phone and knowing what evasive action you were taking, it could have gotten worse. Hope the Tacoma is good to go.
Did you ask him if you could see his liscense and registration when you opened his door ?? Seriously... I am glad everyone is ok as that is the most important !! In this day and age... I am surprised the lady came back to fess up and take responsibility. She might not be a very good driver or just having a bad day but good for her in taking responsibility. Wish more people were like that. Again... I am glad everyone is ok !! Tim
Lol!! Funny Tim!! In all seriousness Matt glad everyone was ok. Tim made a good point too In the part I bolded out.
I agree except that in this day in age of lawyers and lawsuits, admitting fault is a very dumb thing to do after an accident. It's a great way to get sued and blow up any defense you may have. The smart thing to do is to be quiet and to let the legal process sort itself out. As someone who deals with these type of issues at work you would be surprised how many "whip lash" and back problems occur overnight after the other party has spoken to their lawyer. .
While what you posted is true and probably good advice... it's no wonder this country is going to hell. Honesty, the truth and responsibilty use to mean something. Now the few of us who still believe in it are fools in this society and will pay the price while the majority deceitful slease bags profit by it. Tim
$3100 in damage. Got the check cut today. Got a quote for $2000 for the work...suppose that's good news. Makes up for the fact that I will be driving a garbage Chevy Impala as my rental