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Well .... Iowa is out of the running .....

Discussion in 'The Water Cooler' started by Tony, Apr 11, 2009.

  1. Tony

    Tony Legendary Woodsman

    Jul 25, 2008
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    Wales, New York
    The Washington Flyer
    April 9, 2009

    Defending Marriage One State at a Time:
    This past week gay rights activists aggressively moved their agenda as Justices of the Iowa Supreme Court legalized same-sex marriage; legislatures in the state of Vermont overrode the Governor’s veto, allowing same-sex marriage; and our nation’s very own Capitol unanimously voted to recognize legal “marriages” between members of the same sex. At a time when our domestic stability is faltering and our foreign policy weakening, Justices and Legislatures have become dangerously ignorant and apathetic to the moral foundations for which our country began.

    Iowa’s Supreme Court ruled last week, April 3, 2009, that a 1998 law that defined marriage between one woman and one man is unconstitutional. The "outrageously wrong" ruling, as Newt Gingrich described, arises from a suit filed in 2005 by six same-sex couples who were denied marriage licenses. The geography of the ruling is of huge concern to those who view marriage as a sacred union between one man and one woman. Iowa, the “heartland state,” would most likely be considered a “conservative” state, and many are concerned what implications may come from this decision. Richard Socarides, former senior advisor of Gay/Lesbian issues to former President Bill Clinton and a key supporter of gay rights movement noted, “I think it’s significant because Iowa is considered a Midwest sate in the mainstream of American thought. Unlike states on the coasts, there’s nothing more American than Iowa. As they say during the presidential caucuses, 'As Iowa goes, so goes the nation'.”

    Pro-marriage and pro-family groups, though discouraged by the court’s decision, know that the fight is just beginning. Thousands are standing up to protest the recent decision and show support for a constitutional amendment known as HJR 6. The amendment currently is sitting in a House committee and must be voted out of committee on a procedural vote. Republicans are ready to initiate the procedure but are unsure of how the amendment will be voted on the floor. Many groups across the nation are rallying together to lobby the state representatives in Iowa in support of HJR 6. Bishop Richard Pates of Iowa urged “the voice of the Iowa people to rise in support of a constitutional amendment which clearly upholds the definition of marriage. We will then join the deafening chorus of citizens in every state, 30 to date, who have voted to preserve civil marriage as it has been recognized and defined since the beginning of recorded history for the benefit of marriage, families, children and the common good.”

    Four days following the decision in Iowa, the Vermont Senate and House overrode the Governor’s veto and became the first state to legalize same-sex marriage by legislature mandate. The same day, the District of Columbia’s City Council voted unanimously to recognize these “marriages,” opening the door to possible legalization of same-sex marriage altogether. Both occurrences happened rather hastily. According to Vermont Renewal, a pro-marriage organization, “In the legislature’s haste to enact same-sex marriage, there are many aspects to this legislation which have not been properly evaluated. Of particular concern is the issue of parental rights as they pertain to school activities which will promote same-sex marriage as completely equal to man/woman marriage.”

    While the attack on marriage is being held on the forefront in Iowa, Vermont, and D.C., the awareness of the destruction of marriage is being resounded to all states. Never has it been clearer that Constitutional amendments, whether on the state or federal level, are essential to securing the history and dignity of traditional marriage and preserving this sacred union.
  2. Tony

    Tony Legendary Woodsman

    Jul 25, 2008
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    Wales, New York
    Sorry Jeff, Dancing is not an abomination according to the Bible :busted:

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