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Well here is my dilemma with a hunting friend

Discussion in 'Bowhunting Talk' started by virginiashadow, Oct 8, 2009.

  1. virginiashadow

    virginiashadow Legendary Woodsman

    Mar 6, 2009
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    I have a good friend that I hunt with on occasion. We have hunted on and off together for 10 years. We have scouted our tails off together on many occasions. We share a lot of the same information freely. However, recently I have gotten into finding fantastic spots to hunt, really pounding the maps/computer/boots to stake out areas. He knows some good areas, but doesn't really put in the time to scout out new areas like I do.

    He has not killed a deer with his bow for over 2 years. No problem. I am going to try and set him up in a good area Saturday morning so he can kill one. It is not like he is a poor hunter, because he is not. I just want him and I to share a good moment together and to re-establish his confidence. When he loses confidence in his bowhunting, he just picks up his guns.

    So here is my problem. He tells me about a hunt he went on yesterday. He went in to one area that we usually don't hunt until the pre-rut. This spot is money if you hit it at the right time and keep it low key. He took two friends of his in with him yesterday. Now I am know the nice guy in him wanted to help out two guys, but dang he just walked in two guys to one of our hidden spots, and at a bad time. I already sent him satellite images and topos of the area I had a great hunt in the other day, now I am kind of concerned he will show other people the spot once I take him in to hunt it Saturday. Not really sure how to proceed. Thanks for any advice guys.
  2. LAEqualizer

    LAEqualizer Die Hard Bowhunter

    Jul 25, 2008
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    Montgomery, LA
    There is never an easy way to put it. I have been faced with this before as well. I basically had to explain to my buddy that "we" (meaning "the 2 of us") have certain places to hunt at certain times. We must respect each other and hunt as a team, or not hunt together at all. Some take it better than others. Depends on how successful you both want to be. Never an easy thing to approach.:(

    Good luck.
  3. bz_711

    bz_711 Die Hard Bowhunter

    Feb 19, 2009
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    Only way I know to handle is to straight up ask we want to share our "top spots", or would you mind if I took others to these spots without you? I would hope a buddy would hold up a gentlemen's agreement to keep the top 1 or 2 spots just between you guys...then agree on others that are wide open for sharing.
  4. Dan

    Dan Senior Member

    Jul 25, 2008
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    NW Wisconsin
    Brutal honesty is the best policy.
  5. Dan

    Dan Senior Member

    Jul 25, 2008
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    NW Wisconsin

    Agreed. I should have mentioned that how the convo starts will determine how it goes. You can be brutally honest, while also walking gently.
  6. Deerslayer7

    Deerslayer7 Weekend Warrior

    Sep 1, 2009
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    Erie County Ohio
    dido....i would tell him straight up ..."listen man, your my buddy, and i want to help you out, but dont be bring other hunters back here, where we are. if thats the case, then im sorry but hunt with them guys on other properties, not the ones i work hard at establishing...thats a pretty crappy thing to do, without asking....

    I dont even ask when i get permission, until i get to know the guy, whether i can bring a guest or not..its rude to do that...

    im just happy and thankful that he lets me hunt there..its a privelage to hunt someone else land..dont forget that..
  7. Ben/PA

    Ben/PA Grizzled Veteran

    Jul 24, 2008
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    Hughesville, PA

    Truer words were never spoken. Applied to most situations in life from the very begining, and it works. If you aren't brutally honest with him now, it just gets harder when I he does this again and wonders why you hadn't said anything sooner. Perhaps he just doesn't realize what your (his and yours) spots mean to you.
  8. Aaron

    Aaron Grizzled Veteran

    Jul 31, 2008
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    I agree with this... I hope it all works out Brett... He may just not realize what he is doing, If i were in the situation unknowingly, I would want you to tell me straight upfront.
  9. Dr Andy

    Dr Andy Weekend Warrior

    Jul 29, 2008
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    Loose lips sink ships!
  10. virginiashadow

    virginiashadow Legendary Woodsman

    Mar 6, 2009
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    Thanks guys. It is not like we are hunting the world's best hunting grounds. Good spots are a premium. The one he took the guys out on yesterday was a spot he found years ago and shared it with me. I have never told anyone about the spot. In fact I keep telling him not to hunt it until the last week of October, then move in. He doesn't listen. In fact last year, I had a brute of a buck at 20 yards, less than 150 yards of where he set up those guys yesterday. I work too hard not to enjoy the fruits of my efforts. I don't want anyone around it to be honest. I have shared spots with him over the years, my best.

    We are going in at dark on Saturday morning, and I am going to ask him where he set up those guys....I already know. His response will dictate mine. He is a good man, but sometimes he just eases into the woods without a plan of action (and that is not a problem) is just that I am changing, trying to make the best of what we have to hunt (a large public military base). Again, thanks guys.

    I appreciate that Jeff. I would love to share those woods as well, and with a person like yourself that respects the timing/sensitivity of a hunt and it's future ramifications.
  11. shed

    shed Grizzled Veteran

    Jul 26, 2008
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    amen I couldnt agree more, it never helps to beat around the bush, (not that you would Brett) but I never get anywhere without just being brutally honest in situations like this. If he is truely your bud hes gonna understand..
  12. Gr8atta2d

    Gr8atta2d Die Hard Bowhunter

    Aug 28, 2008
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    Well I didn' read all the replies, But I say you have a heart to heart with your "friend".

    Tell him good spots don't stay that way for long if not takeen care of properly.

    If that don't get it done...tell him you'll talk to him after the season!
  13. okcaveman

    okcaveman Die Hard Bowhunter

    Oct 15, 2008
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    hill country of oklahoma
    just going by that line of your post i would say that it is HIS spot that he shared with you. the way i see it is you dont have a leg to stand on bud. if you had found the place and shared it with him then i could understand your predicament, but it is the other way around. if he found the spot he can tell whoever he wants to about it.

    just myy 2cents worth
  14. rmh181

    rmh181 Newb

    Oct 8, 2009
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    State College, PA
    Yeah, that's tough man. I concurr w/ others, there are VERY few friends I would share my prime spots with. I've taken guys out from time to time to good "areas" that I've hunted over the years, tell them what I've seen and why the deer move the way they move in given areas because the hunt isn't always about the kill, or who kills it, but the experience w/ good friends.

    Having said that, there's nothing worse than putting in all that time, have a prime spot picked out, and have a guy go into it w/o you at the wrong time (and worse bring other people). I tend to hold those hot spots tight to my chest, because sometimes, it comes down to the wire and you need a few go-to spots...

    I'd talk to him, tell him you don't want certain info let out to others. Then if he does it again, he'd be off my list to share tight info, that simple. If he can't respect the privacy of the info you've given him, then he doesn't deserve to know about it. Good luck...
  15. virginiashadow

    virginiashadow Legendary Woodsman

    Mar 6, 2009
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    Caveman I hear what you are saying. I am not 100% positive that he hunted that spot, but I am sure he was close. We have several different areas from the place he came into the woods yesterday, some of which I found as well and shared with him. Plus, when it comes to this type of thing, we both usually just sit tight on the spots and don't let anyone know about them. He knows I hunt close to this one main spot, and to be honest it is a spot we shouldn't be hunting around until another two-three weeks. And the reason I posted the question is because I am about ready to take him into a new spot I just found, and was wondering if what he did yesterday is indicative of what he might do after I show him the spot Saturday.

    What I am trying to say is I really thought we were kind of like hunting partners. We go our separate ways every now and then, but we always hunt together/scout together every once in awhile and share info via-e-mail and phone calls.
    Last edited: Oct 8, 2009
  16. Southernboy

    Southernboy Weekend Warrior

    Oct 28, 2008
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    Been there done that....It sucks....I finally started telling people if they messed up my spots, I'd piss in their coffee everytime they came back to the cabin.....not many of those guys still hunt back there...but those that do think there drinking green tee.

  17. virginiashadow

    virginiashadow Legendary Woodsman

    Mar 6, 2009
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    Well good news. I talked with him and just asked him point blank. He told me he entered in where I thought but did not take the guys anywhere close to where we are going to be hunting. I feel like a schmuck. Oh well, live and learn. He is a good guy and I should have known. Now I just have to get him to slow down and not hunt certain spots at the wrong times! :) Thanks for your suggestions everyone.
  18. okcaveman

    okcaveman Die Hard Bowhunter

    Oct 15, 2008
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    hill country of oklahoma
    I understand exactly what you are worried about, I think we all worry about it at some point in time when we share a secret spot. I just dont see a reason to get bent out of shape over your buddy taking somebody to a spot that he found and shared with you. Would you see it as a problem to take another person to a hotspot that you had found and shared with your buddy? Same basic principle only reversed.

    But I am confident that an understanding can be reached. Maybe the two of you could set certain areas aside to take other people to, and certain spots that would be off limits for anybody but the two of you.

    Hope everything works out in the end, its never good to lose a trusted friend and hunting companion
  19. Scot

    Scot Weekend Warrior

    Mar 4, 2009
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    Woodstock NY
    I agree with the folks who have said just to be straight with him.There needs to be a lot of respect and consideration when it comes to spots that you have worked hard to find.
  20. NY Bowhunter

    NY Bowhunter Grizzled Veteran

    Mar 8, 2009
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    I'm in a very similar situation. I think your quote above sums it up and what I'm dealing with now. Over the years I've taken my hunting to a different level every year. I learned something every year for the past 20 years. Always trying to improve. Over the last 5 -7 years that has accelerated a lot. The last 2 years even more. I am doing things I've never done before. I'm working my tail off trying to have the best possible chance of scoring on a mature buck (which is HIGHLY possible if done right). Scouting, hanging stands, topos, aerials, cameras, shed hunting, entry/exit routes, shooting my bow until I'm robin hood out to 30, not hunting areas early season, not hunting bad wind stands no matter how bad you want to, etc..... you know the deal. Basically I work my arse off.

    The problem is, my buddy that hunts with me didnt' accelerate at the rate I have. Not even close. Matter of fact I think he went backwards lol. Not that there is anything wrong with that, but we're not on the same page. I want bigger and better things and he's content to ho hum his way into the season and jump in a stand and hope for the best. Again that's fine, just not what I'm doing out there and we hunt the same land. And he makes a lot of mistakes. Not sure how to handle it myself. Like you said you'd like all the hard work and dedication to pay off.

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