Awwww haaaiiiiiilllll yeah!! It's September, and welcome to frickin fall!! The fall of this dove solidified it......First one of the year, and it's game on from here out!
Heck yeah....48 degrees here yesterday morning, first time I can remember seeing my breath in August. Me and the boy are gonna waste some shells on the doves this weekend.
That sure is a puuuurdy boomstick ya got there. But one dove ain't worth what you paid for it!:D How many shells did it take to down that beast?
Yeah Mo .... it has been down right cold in the last few mornings here ... gonna down a few squirrels with Andrew tomorrow morning .... I wish Dove were legal in NY Congrats!
That hurts, Matt. I bleed when I get cut brother. :D And besides.......nowhere in my original post did I mention that being the only one I got, it was just the first. Wasn't a bad evening, 3 down and 8 shots fired. A slow evening in the dove field, but it sure was gorgeous out there!!
Awesome! I'm loving the weather we're having, although the afternoons are still a bit too warm for me.
Man O man,,,when you texed me that pic, I though i was looking at a squirrel :D Welcome to the Fall back at ya Mo-be-don con-ob-e and Rick James.....LMAO :D THAT WAS FUNNY RIGHT THERE :D
ROFL.....just bustin stones brother. :D Good to see you out in the field. I wish I knew of a good place to get into doves around here. I used to go all the time when I was younger and still lived in PA.
Killer stuff Don!!! I'm looking forward to getting out the SBE on the the 10th and whacking a few ducks.