Well? My only 2 sheds were both found along trails (not exciting). Where are some weird spots you guys have found them?
Sticking out of a mound of dirt that the landowner had recently piled up with his bulldozer. Kinda weird walking past a big pile of dirt and seeing an antler starring at ya.
I found one sitting on a stump, a dandy 5x too, so I know that no one laid it there and forgot it, unless maybe they hit the pipe a little hard that day... I have found a handful stuck in branches or brush. Found on in Saskatchewan while doing 60mph down a backwoods highway.. Saw the tines sticking out of the snow about 100 yards out.
About two weeks into the bow season last year, crawled up into my tree stand and there was one sitting on the seat......all chewed to crap but an antler nonetheless.......
I found a buck like this within 5 minutes shed hunting with Dukemichaels. Sitting right where we just jumped a couple deer from their beds.
How the? Who the? What the? What animal did that? Peakrut, that is a great find. What's the P&Y score on that one?
In a runoff ditch along side a road. It was caught up in some debris. The irony of the whole situation was that I had been shed hunting that entire morning without any luck and was walking back to my house along the road.
I was elk hunting In Montana back In 2003 by myself this particular year. I was glassing a small 4x4 bull and a cow about 40 yards from me wondering what the hell path they were going to take on their way to me. While I was glassing I saw 2 white goofing looking branches laying beside the bull on the ground and I thought to myself man they look different. Well the bull and the cow decided that they didn't like how I smelled and flew out of there so I then decided I'd check out this goofy pair of branches laying on the ground. I couldn't believe It when I came upon them, a nice 5x5 matched set from an elk. This particular story I'm about to tell happened to my grandpa I'm guessing 45 years or so ago. He was trapping a lake that borders the land that I hunt on now. This lake that he was trapping has a bunch of springs In It and It's usually about 4 to 5' In depth but has some spots where the bottom Is really terrible and mushy, kind of like quick sand. He was walking thru the water In about 4' of water coming back from setting a trap on a muskrat house when all of a sudden his feet kept on sinking and there was no bottom to the bottom of the lake! His buddy that was with him was In the canoe checking another set a couple hundred yards down the edge of the slough and he then started canoeing towards him to get him before he went under after my grandpa yelled for help. For some reason my grandpa quit sinking after the water made It's way to his throat. He could feel something sharp and solid below him under his feet so he clung his feet to It and stayed a float till his friend finally got there. As his friend hoisted him out of the lake my grandpa wrapped his feet around to what was holding him up and It came up with him. What was holding him up and saved his life was a full skull and rack of a huge elk. The mid 1800's was the last time that mid central Minnesota last had an elk herd around. I never did get to see pictures of this elk rack, heck I have no Idea what ever happened to It but I do know this that an elk skull with It's antlers still attached saved my grandpa's life many years ago.
Steve, that story about your grandpa is AWESOME! Nothing like a good legend to get the heart beating.
Found a few hanging in brush/small trees and one on top of a stump. Nothing too out of the ordinary. My buddy was snorkeling on a lake up by camp in Ontario and found one 8' under water on a small ledge. The crazy thing is it was right below a 30' rock wall. How it got there is beyond me.