A bunch of photos from last weekend. A few of those Kaskaskia gar. Mostly dinks but there are oodles of them. (I whisper to the water "jmbuckhunter's not here." and they come up to the surface) heh. There's a big fat one.
We went after the bigheads first. I got this one. 26lbs 13 oz. Then we picked up Phil and his Mom and Dad. It didn't take Phil long to get his first bighead. He was able to hit the little fish too. :D Brent and his kids made it out and got a bunch of gar and buffs.
Next morning we headed down to New Athens to see off the guys and gals in the Siloutdoors.com shoot. It was a bummer we couldn't shoot it.
We had just enough time to run back up to Carlyle, eat lunch and then get set up for the Illinois Federation of Outdoor Resources Youth Camp bowfishing instruction. A huge thanks to Mark, Liz, Phil, Brent and Jake for helping! We went through the basics and then the kids took turn shooting at the Innerloc and Muzzy fish targets out in the water with the AMS setups. All together there were about 45 kids. A couple of the youth just had to try my oneida. They were having some trouble pulling it back. At one point they said, "Let's see you shoot it." Apparently not aware that I had won 'Champion of the World!' status the day before I took the challenge. I told them I'd hit the gar target in the eye. I hit it next to the eye. (lucky for me.... -sighs relief- no pressure there. ) Tomorrow.... we hit the river for jumping carp.
Good grief what a load of gar.......Yer gonna need to figure out a semi-automatice fishing bow for that deal there...