Well boys, had my best round to date this evening. I have been having some really concentrated practices this past week and it has started to pay off. Scored a 243 w/ 1 x. I am tickled pink right now. I had to use the target face I used last week because I am out but I circled all of the holes that were already in the face to be sure and get my score right. My record so far: Week 1: 210 (2X) Week 2: 196 (1X) Week 3: 225(2x) Week 4: 236 (3x) Week 5: 209 (1x) UGH slump Week 6: 243 (1x)
No Jeff, I should have clarified, circled holes are the ones that were already put in the face. I didnt circle the ones that I shot tonight. I missed the face 1 time. Above and slightly to the left of center the #1 face.
Here ya go... 261x Stats- Week 1- 258 3x Week 2- 256 1x Week 3- 260 5x Week 4- 267 4x Week 5- 255 1x Week 6- 261 1x
Lol!! To be honest Robert I'd like to shoot better then what I have at the paper targets. When I'm practicing on regular deer targets I shoot better at 10 yards then the paper targets at 10 yards. Me and paper targets don't usually see eye to eye. It's that thing called "score" I believe, mental thing? You bet!!
Here Steve, you can use this one from now on, maybe your poor scores will pick up a little J/K hope you at least laugh a little. :d
Do you know I drove all the way down to Fredericksburg to Gander Mt. to get "official" 3 spot targets and they had NONE of any kind!! I'm with ya Steve. If I go stump or 3D shooting I can surprise even myself. If I have to shoot a score I get really mad at myself because I know I can do better. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------