Well this Wednesday starts my turkey hunting week and I tell you, it looks terrible Ive seen a few hens but not toms really to speak for on my property. I have never seen as few turkeys as I have seen this year. Im hoping by wednesday things will change. Ive talked to a few hunters in my area that say they are there but not responding very well to calls. They will call back and thats it. Im wondering if the strange weather patterns have something to do with this. I know its been very very very dry up untill yesterday when we finally got some rain. I wonder if hunting closer to a water source will be the best way to locate the toms? Any input?
I just got done with the youth hunt and then the 1st two days of period ! in Zone 2. They were very vocal here in the SE. Gobbling on the roost and for about an hour or so afterwards and they seemed to be staying in the woods for the most part! The youth hun the hens were sounding off like crazy, the next two days I heard one hen the entire time, wierd hunting, I'll be back out Wednesday as well calling for a friend!
Thats kinda what I heard as well was that they seem to be staying in the woods. I have a few spots picked out that have worked well in the past I suppose Ill have to pick a spot and stick it out and see what happens. Good luck this week.