When I was up in ND we had weeks of -20. One day it got down to -40. I guess it was a bad winter even by ND standards. Windchill on several days was -110. (the lowest it would go) If you touched anything metal with your bare skin it felt like you were getting burned. It was neat. So neat that I moved back to the much warmer Chicago. :D
We got about a foot of snow today, and then a little rain, not sure what's gonna happen when it drops to -30 monday...
I know why I like living in Texas now. The lowest I have ever known it to get here was18 with a wind chill of 4 degrees and that was about 20 yrs ago.22 is the coldest after that.
X2 give me rattlers, I hate cold! You girly men need to slow down :D it aint right to find that many this early :D
thats cold, temps here in illinopis have been in the teens for highs and negative temps for lows, it has been fun stuff too work out in! I'm ready for spring!
Weather did not stop me here in Central Illinois at 4 degrees! All I have to say is Woot Woot Dawg scores again! Pics being downloaded now! Walke for about 3 hours!
where I live its cottonmouths ( there mean little guys) that we watch out for,not to many rattle snakes. I went out last year to west texas and looked for sheds and there out there in abundance.