What time of day do you all like to scout and what weather conditions do you prefer. I want to check out a new area this summer. I would assume going in the mid afternoon but do I go on a really windy day or rain day or am I over paranoid about scent. Thanks for response.
I normally go during rain. But wonder if this isn't the worst time to go. I used to coon hunt and the dogs could trail much better if it was wet vs dry. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Checking out a new area months out won't effect your hunting come fall. As for me and because it is hot as heck here, I'd prefer to hunt as the sun rises or during a light rain storm to keep cool. Heck, Ive scouted and gotten hot, jumped in a creek to cool off, then kept at it.
^THIS^ always works well for me. Also, the weather tends to be a little cooler due to the sky being overcast.
I like to scout year round. As it gets closer to the season, my times change as does my long range glassing. This time of the year, I go where I want to but don't hit the same place over and over, especially if I am seeing a lot of sign. I play a lot of my scouting on experience and only go into areas that I need to see if the deer have changed their patterns from the past few years, briefly.
Thanks it is a new aarea so I'm not overly concerned. I was going to wait for a rain day anyhow. Thanks
I can say I scout only when it rains but it would be a lie... As I go in and out to swap out cards every few weeks