Actually a rather interesting video. One that I watched twice and was aware of most of hte things he said but still shocked when I hear them again.
You are the king. I laughed out loud at that. My dog is pissed. He was running somewhere in his sleep. Go throw them in the toilet, and explain it tomorrow. lol. EDIT: I guess I was thinking something else. I didn't make it that far into the video. I was thinking you were going to start your own Boston Tea Party. Never mind. This is so dumb, I will leave it for all to laugh at me...
I jsut sent that to my mom....Shes democrat. lol. She kicked me out of her house when I told her I was going to vote for McCain. Then again when I told her I didn't vote at all. XD.
MNKK, I'm laughing now ... although I'm not really sure why, LOL. But I really did like the video. I can't stand socialism. Used to be a time when the world looked up to us, now all I here from liberal America is, Canada has free health care, Europe does this, Europe does that ... blah, blah, blah. My wife is Canadian, their health care is free, but it sucks, period. In 200 years the U.S. does more for the world than all of europe combined, so who cares what that two bit bunch of losers thinks. LOL ...don't get me started.
It was Thomas Jefferson who said, revolution every 20 years is a healthy way to keep a government in check. I would say we are long overdue.
Makes sense what he says. He's right on a lot of things. We have become complacent and just don't care anymore.