Actually we have a couple 4430, JD 60' drill, two 60' chisel plows and a CCS 12 row planter. The planter looks good on my MX 285. :d We take the best of both worlds. I am still trying to forget the 880 and 900 cyclo planters. I wouldn't trade the CCS planter for anything. I have run auto steer in the MX 285 for 2 years now for planting. It is sweet when dodging all the sloughs we have here and trying to stay straight. While I did a good job before having it... it sure made life much easier. Tim
I knew 17hrs a day weren't pure cutting time but still had to bust your balls. :d You get to stop for lunch and diner?? Are they looking for more help ?? Where do I apply?? Soys are nice !! I enjoy combining them more then any other crop. Usually they are drying up when bow season starts here and the deer move out of them. This year they are late and still very green. We will get to hunt them for a bit yet. Tim
Yep we stop to eat. We do bust our butts, but we still have fun with what we do. I love every minute of it. It's a wonderful time of year. You'll hate me even more if I tell you about the meals:d. It's usually sandwhiches for lunch, but we always get a homecooked meal from the farmer's wife every evening. It is by far the best part of the day:d The farmer/boss is only 27 years old. Him, another 27 year old, me, and 2 17 year old make up the crew. So it can get interesting at times. Guys with less experiance can cause frustrations at times, but more often than not it's just a bunch of fun and goofing around. We seem to have a good balance, I think thats why we have such a good time with what we do. If you wanna haul a machine down here I'm sure we can give you all the grain you want to cut
Okie, you guys using grain carts as well, or who lines up the truckin' to take all the wheat away? We got three grain carts we use and have four semis, along with about 3-4 tractor/wagon combinations. Ohh and your meals sound like ours. We used to get homecooked meals everyday for both lunch and dinner. My grandma used to make lunch, my mom would make dinner. :d Well, my grandma is 86 now, and well, she enjoys just picking up lunch instead. But man, when we would get the combination homecook meals, it was tough to beat. I wish I could cook half as good as my grandma.
Man Tim, you like beans that much huh? We tend to enjoy combining corn moreso than beans. Beans around here sometimes get tough to cut waay to early in the evenin'....then you gotta shut everything down early. Plus, at times you hit those fields and it takes forever to get things full and out of the field. Beans are definitely nice if you want a slow day. I guess I enjoy beans when I am runnin' the semi, I catch up on bowhunting magazines and stuff. Corn is nice when we have enough room in the wet bin to haul there in the evenin'. We usually haul to the elevator during the day then use our own storage at night to help keep us runnin' throughout the day. Things really move when we are doing corn. Just seems like as soon as you get to the field somes days when the semi you are turnin' around and heading back with a full load. Overall, I just love harvest-time. Spring is great, but man, nothing beats takin' the crop out. Well, unless the yields suck then it is just like a double kick in the pants. A, you are not getting the yields you want and B, you have to work the long hours regardless of the crop. :d Ohh well, like I said. I finished up my teaching degree and everyday I missed harvest last year, it tore me up inside. I didn't want to be inside the school, I wanted to be runnin' a semi and helping out on the farm. That is when I knew I wanted to try and farm for a livin'.
Blood why don't you go start your own thread about August flyin' by, would ya?! Leave us farm boys be! :d :evil: :evil: :evil:
We run one grain cart. This year we upgraded it to a 1000 bushel Unverferth, so he could hold a little more. He still had a hard time keeping up with is when things were going smoothly. It'll be even worse for him next year:evil: We typically keep 4 semis running, but sometimes they can be sitting and waiting for a little while. This past harvest was a little different because the Coops were so slow at times. The truck drivers would have to wait 4-5 hours at times to dump their loads. We would get the cart and all the machines full and have no trucks. So there was more sitting around and waiting than usual last year.