I have two Wayne Hendrix custom knives. These are begging to be used and I have too many knives by along shot. I bought both these new from AG Russell and they are too nice to be sitting around. These aren't your run of the mill " massed produced customs". All due respect to the big shops, but these aren't them. First up.. Wayne Hendrix PathFinder, this will make a sweet back country knife for some on at only 4oz, ATS 34 steel, the only mark I see on it is on a pin and you'd have too look really close. Never carried or used. Going to price this at 285TYD I will cover shipping and insurance. Wayne Hendrix Pathfinder with Black Micarta | AGRussell.com Second up....this hard one to part with. Wayne Hendrix model 32 drop point with desert ironwood scales. The scales are understated and very nice. It has sweet antiqued leather sheath. ATS 34 steel, never used or carried. weight 4.1 oz. Going to price this at 325TYD pay pal F&F or I will cover shipping and insurance. Wayne Hendrix Model 32 Drop Point Hunter | AGRussell.com
This is killing me. Dude if it wasnt Christmas I'd bite but dang it I got 5 kids to feed. Gorgeous and I LOVE good knives. Both are awesome. Sent from my SM-G960U using Bowhunting.com Forums mobile app
i am in the market for a new hunting knife. Can anyone point me in the direction of a good custom knife maker preferably in bc. thanks in advance.