Ok, new to this Scent-Lok stuff:D I purchased some micro-fleece pants and vest on Cabelas a while back (NOT because it was scent-lok, but because it was on sale, and I needed a good mid-layer and pants). I'm not a hugh believer in the stuff, but I'm of the thought that if it's good quality clothing (which scent-lok usually is), go for it. I know you're supposed to activate it in the dryer, yada, yada, and some people say conventional household dryers don't get hot enough to fully reactivate them. Me? Who knows. My question is this. Can I safely wash this stuff with my other camo (cold water of course) without fear of harming the material? I could care less about the scent-shielding abilities, I just want the garment to stay in tact and hold up. The little bit of searching I did, most people were washing scent-lok separate from everything else with no explanation as to why. Thoughts?
When I first got some, I washed it separate, But I don't anymore. I'll still dry them separate on occasion, but they're getting old enough that I'll just start to treat it like any other piece of clothing. If you're just using it as an additional piece, just throw it in the mix (IMO).
According to scent-lok, you're not supposed to spray odor-eliminating sprays on the exterior, either. Thoughts guys? Wow, I feel like such a noob here:D
I wash mine baking soda,dry them alone, keep them in a seprate bin is all. I dont spray any scent away on my scent lok liners.. Thats why I like the liner system, I can wear it when I want or leave it be. I dont have to spray it down because its always an under garmet. It was cold enough here last night I wore base layer of xscent, then a base layer of scent lok and then my outter predator fleece. Mid 30s last night. really nice out
I would feel more comfortable spraying them since they will be just underneath my ASAT suit (my pants at least). Does it harm the material?