Or did my work place block it out?? tried mulitpull times througout a 12 hour shift, it said websight could not be found
This is good news, If work blocked it, I would be forced to get out and work more Thanks guys for the info!!
I never had it down, but sometimes I have to click stuff like 10 times to make it post or whatever. Sometimes I have to stop and refresh several times to make one post...
The site was down for a few minutes here and there between 10 last night and 6 this morning. We were doing some infrastucture upgrades at our office. It may go down again tomorrow for awhile as we complete, or at least attempt to complete, the changes. As for you Dubbya - I have no idea what your problem would be. That's the first I've heard of that issue. Most likely user error. :D
Well, I'll accept that it may be partly "user error" but not entirely. Actually, I think that it may be a Mozilla Firefox issue. I haven't tried explorer, maybe that will work.
If a tree falls in the woods and noone is there to hear it does it make a sound? If a man makes a statement, and no woman is there to hear him, is he still wrong? I haven't been on in a while so I did't notice.